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The day the Mikaelsons were turned into vampires, nature decided to create a balance in the supernatural world; a girl from five thousand miles away was turned as well. For she is destined to be Klaus Mikaelson's soulmate, and they must be equal to one another. Esther knows of the soulmate, but nobody else does, not even the girl herself knows that she is the most dangerous man on Earth's soulmate. They've spent a thousand years believing they were the only Originals on Earth, they were wrong. Another Original walks among the earth as well, her true purpose is to tame the monster within the beast.

In November of 1001, the Mikaelsons were turned into creatures of the night by their mother after an accident took the life of their youngest, Henrik. Their father wanted them to be stronger than the werewolves, invincible. But by doing so, when Klaus was turned, so was his soulmate, Tatiana Romanov. She was getting water from the well when it happened, her neck snapped for no reason, sending her to the ground. It was hours later when she awoke, by then it was already dark. She was the oldest of the Romanov line, her siblings continuing the line of the Romanovs since she wasn't able to reproduce. Odd for a werewolf, isn't it? Her father was a werewolf, her mother a witch. Tatiana was born with the werewolf gene, but not the witch gene; she was born a syphon instead. Oftentimes her mother would let her syphon from her so she could practice magic, teaching her how to control her abilities and avoid hurting others.

Her best friend Tamara Mikhailov, a witch, eventually figured out a way to make her a daylight ring, helping her along the way with this unexplainable hunger. Tamara tried to provide answers to Tatiana's endless questions but, to no avail. The day she had her first kill, she turned the night of the full moon. But not in the way she expected. She was stronger than the wolves in her pack, faster, powerful. She radiated an aura of authority and she didn't understand why. Unknowingly to her, but not to Tamara, she had become the first Original tribrid.

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