Chapter 23

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We have to be more careful; we can only meet at night or extremely isolate areas. Hoseok found out the managers were purposely keeping him busy and kept his phone away, much longer than necessary, to prevent us from contacting each other.

I gave him the address of my university and where to find my dorm so that he can come by and visit on his off days. Also I received an invitation from Hoseok, along with the rest of the BTS members, to come by their dorm whenever I please.

I sat at my desk in my room— a big fat smile plastered on my face as I look back these past few nights— while cuddling my panda bear. This entire trip to Korea was such a great experience. I can't wait for next year.

I froze. "Next year....I-I leave this month..."

How am I going to tell Hoseok? We're finally together— we're finally back together. I wonder how he'll react. Will he be mad? What if he breaks up with me? What if I have to break up with him?

The past few days I've been in a slight daze. I'm leaving soon. Every time I think about telling him, I get sick to my stomach.

"Hey there, Ollie!" RM greets me, in English, at the door with a big dimple smile and making me come back to reality.

"Hey, Namjoonie!" I greet him back with a hug. Tonight the guys were granted out of practice early and invited me to come over and hang out. The others start shouting hello and bombarding me with hugs, high-fives, and waves making me feel very welcomed. I look around surprised to see no Hoseok.

"He's in the other room," the leader whispers with a smirk.

"Oh thanks, Namjoon," I awkwardly laugh and head down the hall towards Hoseok's room. That was kinda embarrassing.

"Hobi..." I lightly knock on the door, afraid of disturbing him.

No answer.

I knock again, a little louder and crack the door open. "Hobi-oppa? Are you in here?"

I slowly work my way in to find him sleeping. He was spread out awkwardly all over his bed with papers surrounding him. It looks like he's been writing lyrics. The expression on his face was so cute, he looked like a child. And he was shirtless...

"Oh, boy..."

I felt awkward standing by the door, not really sure what to do, so I walk over towards him and observe his face. I sigh deeply and drew a finger along his jaw to his lips— my mom did this to me as a kid to help me fall asleep— I know it sounds weird, but I used to do this whenever he fell asleep, while we did homework back at home; it was fun to mess with him. He is just so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I crouch down to his eye level and poke his cheek as he began to stir, I scoot very close to his face. "Oppa, its time to get up," I cooed with a sweet voice and continue to poke him, waiting for him to wake up.

Hoseok's eyes flutter open. "Whoa!" he shrieks, jumping to his feet and falls off the bed. I hunch over laughing.


Realizing he was shirtless, he yelps covering himself up like a woman in an old 50s movie.

"Wha—what are you doing here?" he asked, flushed, with a light smile quickly putting on a shirt.

I raised an eyebrow, "You invited me over, pabo." I thought he was playing around, but the look on his face grew even more confused.

"I did?" I heard him mutter under his breath. I shook my head and lightly chuckle.

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