Chapter 1

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**the picture above gives idea and is mine**

As I stepped out of my dorm, I took in a deep breath of fresh air and admire my new surroundings. It's a beautiful day out, near the end of May, you can tell summer is approaching. I've only been in South Korea for about two weeks now; I'm taking a summer art program in Seoul. Plus, I needed some time away from home.

Lately, dad and I have been fighting a lot about college and what I'm going to do with my life. I want to be an animator, it's been my dream since I was little— we both grew up watching Bob Ross, so watching a painting come to life in a tutorial full of happy trees, to see the effects and the amount of detail in CGI and animated films, and watch how people used their imagination and brought their worlds to life, fascinated him— but he doesn't believe someone can have a career, or make a real living as an artist.

It's just a hobby.

Usually, I would be in my dorm, working on another project, or contemplating past arguments, but not today; it was impossible to stay inside. So, I decided to go down to the Han River to get some inspiration and work on a few sketches for my next critique. It was such a lovely morning; maybe I'll even throw in a walk in the park and actually do some exercise. Yeah, right.

The sky is clear and a crisp shade of blue with fluffy white clouds scattered as far as I can see. A slight breeze goes by ruffling the trees that are so lush with rich colors and—


My phone began to go off, causing me to lose my train of thought.

It's probably Dad with another check-in call: "How are you?, What are you doing?, How is school?, Study hard., No boys!," blah, blah, blah, etc. I love my father, he is a good and respectable man, and intimidating I must add, but he's caught a bad case of "empty nest syndrome." I'm only gone for the summer. And if I don't answer his calls it's assumed that I'm somewhere in a gutter dead.

I check my phone, expecting to see his Darth Vader meme, but when Hoseok's face pops up on the screen it was a whole new ball game. I almost drop my phone. This will have been the first time I've talked to him in months, since I found out I was accepted into the program— since I came to Seoul. Even from a simple phone call my heart flutters.
"Wow, I'm pathetic."

I quickly calm myself down and answer the phone. "Greetings." I spoke with a dull, uninterested tone. "Ollie!!" he shouts into the line with his signature, J-hope screech.

Immediately, my little act breaks, and I burst out laughing. "Hi, Hobi!" I giggle, "What's up?" It's been so long since I last talked to him, maybe I'll even get to see Hoseok while I'm here. "How are you? How's the group? Are you guys—"

"Whoa, whoa...," he interrupts. "Aigoo, calm down. What are you, my eomma?" I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well with you dorks, I'd say so yeah."

Before he can give a comeback, I hear a bunch of shouts, in Korean of course, and laughter in the background. "Yah! Hyung, where'd you go?" someone shouted, I think Jungkook. "Aish, we still had another ten minutes of practice left," somebody else complained. That caught my attention.

"You skipped out early from practice?" I scoff. Hoseok may be BTS' main dancer, but he can't just go in and out from practice whenever he pleases like a hot shot.

"You understood them?" Hoseok marveled, "Omo, you've really been working on your Korean—"

"Stop trying to change the subject Hobi, this is serious," I snap, a hint of pride crept over me; I guess those many hours of Rosetta Stone and binge watching k-dramas paid off. "But thank you, I've been practicing."

He groans, "It's no big deal. We were just going over some dance routines. I got—"

"Ohhhh, are you talking to your jagiya?" Jimin chimes in. "Yah! Shut up!" Hoseok snapped. I hear more shouting, and some ruffled up noises and footsteps. Hoseok is probably chasing after the singer.

"Is that Ollie? Yo! Whats up!" RM shouts. Now the rest of BTS start to cut in. I smack my forehead and look down at my feet, snickering. "You guys are such dorks."

"Oh! Tell her I said hi!" Jin cheerfully calls.

"Annyeong!" I hear V in the back giggling. I can't help but laugh while listening to these goofballs.

"Hyung, did you tell her— did you tell her yet?" He then asked, excitedly. *smack* "Yah!"

"Aish! Quiet down, pabo!" RM hushed him, "You're going to ruin the surprise."

*shhh* *SHHHHH! * *shhhh*

Wow, these guys are not very good at "being quiet."

"I swear, I am going to kill you both as soon as I get off this phone!" I hear Hoseok hiss.

I was only a block away from the Han River by now but hearing this stopped me in my tracks— no longer interested in my sketching assignment anymore. I'm washed over by a wave of curiosity. "Tell me what? What is it? Hobi, what's going on?" I anxiously ask, feeling excited and desperately wondering what the special news was.

I'm terrible when it comes to secrets. I can keep them pretty well, I guess, but when you mention one in front of me and refuse to talk I go nuts with curiosity. So yeah, I'm nosey.

There was a pause, on the line, all I could hear were some slightly ruffled noises, more hushing and shushing, and muffled up laughter and snickers in the back. "Well it was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess you're worthy enough to tell now," Hoseok spoke with a weird nasal, snobby-like voice; sounded more like he had a cold.

"Tell me what?" I repeat, starting to get impatient, for they were taking way too long to get to the point. This better be good.

"Well..." his voice trails off with a dramatic pause. "Hobi—" I start to whine. "We got a day off!" He cries eagerly.

I paused for a moment being taken back. "O-oh?" I lightly stammer. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for them. They've been working so hard, but was the surprise really just to rub in my face that you got a small vacation while I have class?

"Yeah, Bang PD-nim gave us a weekend off! We're going on a road trip." Hoseok announced.

My heart lightly drops, I guess I won't get to see him after all. "That's great Hobi! You guys really deserve it!" I reply happily, trying to cover up my disappointment.

"And you're coming with us!"

I wasn't expecting that.

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