Chapter 19

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Somehow, we end in a small park nearby. "Jagi, look at that!" Hoseok points to the playground. He began clapping and bouncing up and down with excitement; looking at me for permission like I was his mother. I giggle and give him the okay sign. He dashes to the jungle gym, climbing it like a hyper little monkey.

I walk over towards the playground; out of nowhere, Hoseok swung in front of me, hanging upside down from the bridge— scaring the crap out of me. His hood was up, and his mask was still covering his face, making him look like a ninja. Luckily, nobody was around.

"Look, jagiya! I'm Spider-Man," he beamed, doing the hand signs and making noises as if webs were being shot out of his wrists.

"You idiot, you better be careful."

He ignores my concerned orders and continues playing. I laugh; he is such a child.

I love his personality so much, as cliché as it is, he really does complete me. I'm quiet and shy, he is outgoing and loud. This goofball has helped me open up and express myself in so many ways. I could never imagine my life without him.

I laugh as he continues to play on the jungle gym. "You, dork. Don't you know how to act your own age?"

"Dork, huh? Well, it takes one to know one," he called back, snickering. I roll my eyes and purse my lips. "Wow. Nice comeback," I mutter under my breath.

"So," I step closer to him, "if you're Spider-Man, does that make me your Mary-Jane?"

"Well, you do have a knack of getting into trouble," he chuckles. I arch an eyebrow as our eyes lock and I slowly take off his mask, revealing that sweet smile that I always adore. Leaning in, I close the gap between us, reenacting the movie scene.

Our lips brush against each other so lightly. The simple touch sends shivers down my body. He tilts his head adding pressure, deepening the kiss. My head is violently spinning now, and I quickly break it off, afraid I might faint.

"The effects this boy has on me!"

Hoseok looks at me concerned, so I give him a comforting smile and place a small kiss against his mouth, darting back before he could prolong it. I then quickly climb up the jungle gym to where he was hanging; if he stayed like that any longer, he would probably collapse from all the blood rushing to his head. A wide smile spread across his face when he realized I was coming to join him, and he pulls himself up.

We decided to play a small game of hide-n-seek tag. I was hiding. There weren't many good hiding spots, so I went into the tower with the big slide.

"Ah-ha!" He found me no problem. I try to make a quick escape down the slide, but he caught my foot and pulls me back, placing me in his lap. "Where do you think you're going?"

"No, please! I'm too young to die!" I beg with a dramatic, merciful cry in between giggles.

"Hm..I...guess I could spare you," he said with a slight pause and leaned in closer.

"With a kiss." His voice was low, intoxicating.

I roll my eyes and lightly kiss his cheek.

"That was pitiful."

"Stop being so picky!" I playfully push his shoulder and climb out of his lap, sitting across from him. Hoseok gave me a playful smirk, then suddenly his expression turned devious and he came closer smashing his lips onto mine. My body dissolved from his touch and my heart was throbbing; it felt like it was about to explode.

The heat of his mouth and softness of his lips were like nothing I have ever imagined. I start to slightly tremble out of exhilaration. I've never been kissed like this before, or at least I've never been this excited to be. His mouth started to part my shaking lips; he was so urgent, his tongue slid against my bottom lip asking for permission. It was a bit overwhelming, but I loved it. 

I surprised myself with my response; my mind went blank. I open my mouth wider, giving him the permission he was seeking and grab a fist-full of his hair. Our lips began to move together perfectly. It was like all of our feelings throughout the years were being forged into this kiss. His arms circle around me while his hand pressed against the lower part of my back trying to bring me closer, as if we could merge into one if close enough.

Hoseok left my lips and began to attack my neck. I gasp out of surprise from the foreign feeling and actions, and tilt my head to the side giving him more access. I suddenly felt a sharp pinch on my neck from the tiny bites he was leaving, followed by soft butterfly kisses. He returned to my lips, kissing them softly and urgently.

We broke apart for air, but it wasn't long before he attacked my lips again, capturing my mouth with his while I was still out of breath; I went extremely light headed and felt faint. I softly push his shoulder, and he immediately stopped, both of us panting heavily from excitement. He stares at me with apologetic eyes, "Sorry. I got a little too carried away."

"I-it's okay, oppa," I let out a small chuckle, still out of breath. I slowly look up at him, and we were both suddenly swarmed by laughter.

I start to blush, still in a daze and flabbergasted by my reaction earlier. We sat there for a while in the playground tower; staying in each other's arms, holding hands, laughing, kissing— a lot of kissing.

"Maybe we should head back to the others?" I reluctantly suggest, not wanting to leave this spot.

Hoseok sighed, "Yeah, you're right." He captures me with his eyes and gently places his hand against my cheek as if holding something delicate, caressing it lazily with his thumb. He kisses me again, but this was different than before, it was soft and very gentle. He held me there for a few moments before releasing me. 

"Come on, let's get back before the guys get the wrong idea," he chuckled as he thought of the others, and all the childish or inappropriate thoughts and annoying comments they'll probably make when we return. We put our masks on and climb down the jungle gym. He took my hand, and we walk back to the arcade.

I gasp. Quickly bringing my hand up to my neck. "What? What's wrong?" Hoseok asked, his voice was full of concern.

"There better not be a mark on my neck, Jung Hoseok." I hiss. I can feel my face heat up, "If there is, I'm gonna kill you." He gives me a smug grin and winks.



BTS are all gathered by the entrance of the arcade ready to leave when we returned. Everyone looked happy and pleased with their time at the arcade except one, Jin. V and Jungkook come running up to us, "Yah! Come on, ppali-ppali!" We look at each other puzzled at how excited the youngest members want to leave.

"Hyung is gonna buy us dinner tonight!" Suga shouts gleefully from the others. Looks like Jin lost the tournament.

"Daebak!" they all cheer, making me chuckle.

I go to the glum, oldest member and give him a hug, trying to somewhat cheer him up.

"Gamsahabnida, Jin-oppa," I said in an overly cheery voice. He shot daggers at me.

"Aigoo, whatever," he says with a half smile, trying to hold it in. When it comes to cheering these guys up, I am the master; I silently praise myself. They get so mad and competitive over the simplest things. The others soon join me and squish him in a group hug, trying to be funny and cute. "Gamsahabnida, Jinnie-hyung!" they shout in aegyo.

"Aish, shut up," he swats everyone away, and we all pile into the car and head to dinner.

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