12. g h o s t e d

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it's now the next day and we are heading back home on the bus. i decide to catch up on some sleep i missed last night when i decided to go to the pool. it was worth it though bc i has such a fun time.

before i go to sleep, i text harry despite ghosting me the past few days.

me: on our way back. is everything ok??

i power off my phone not even waiting for i reply because i already have the feeling he isn't going to.

"peyton, we're home." bella says waking me up.

i head outside and say goodbye to everyone then head to my car.

the drive home was quick since it was late and there was no cars on the road.

i wonder if i should stop by harry's to see why he hasn't replied to my texts. i'm honestly kind of mad he hasn't since he is my boyfriend and all.

it's pretty late so i decide against it and head right to bed.

next morning i look out my window and don't see harry's car. he must of head to school early? why is he avoiding me?

i take a shower which slows down my morning because i typically take them at night but since i got home late i didn't.

i throw on a pair of jeans and a sweater and head out the door. i was running late so i wouldn't get to see harry before class, but it's fine because i'm mad at him anyways.

the bell rings right when i open the class door and i take a seat next to bella.

"so have you heard anything from harry?" she asks.

"no, should i be worried?" i ask, but before she can reply someone walks in.

"hello class. so today we have a shortage on substitutes and while we are trying to find a new teacher for your health class, i'm going to be teaching you." says our vice principal.

i start to get worried why harry isn't my teacher anymore and before i get to ask another student does for me.

"why is mr. styles not our teacher anymore?"

"mr. styles resigned yesterday."

harry styles | my health teacherWhere stories live. Discover now