Chapter Twenty One

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     I sat up to a knock on my door, "yeah?"  The door opened and Josh came in with a regretful face.  He shut the door and faced me with heavy eyes, "hey."  It was a weak hey, but I knew this talk was inevitable so fighting against it wouldn't help.  "Hey," I replied back, as he sat in a chair.  "I, uh- I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have overstepped my boundaries.  I just want you to know your secret is safe with me, I promise to never tell a single soul.  I want you to know I'm here if you want to talk or just to sit in silence.  But, Ash, promise me to never run away again?  I was terrified you were gone for good," he spoke with the upmost sincerity.  I sighed, "it's good, you're my therapist, councilor, but also a friend... it's your job to know, but I do appreciate you not telling anyone.  It isn't something I wish everyone knew..."
     He nodded "I understand.  We good?"  A smile eased its way on my lips, "yeah, we're good."  Josh stood up, "Bethany is fixing bacon and eggs downstairs.  She said it's for a special occasion, one I hope you will like.  She's invited a few people over so here's some clothes from Rio's room and clean up."  He tossed me a t-shirt and jeans, before I had even a chance to question him he was gone.  I slipped into his clothes and walked out of the room, Presley who was walking upstairs halted, "finally you're up!  Come on, Mom's cooked something extra deserved today."  Her voice was cheery, something's up.  I followed after her regardless of the many questions pounding in my head. 
     "Morning, Grant left home earlier, but told me to tell you thanks," Trey called with an overly stretched smile.  Okay, what's up??  Rio was having a conversation with Yoongi and Reina on the couch... so they're here... okay.  Shuang and Ivaan were playing with Tina in the dining room.  Out of nowhere arms wrapped around my torso, I snapped around to see a giggling Heather.  Two could play at that game.  I quickly seized her waist, but the girl was too busy laughing to try and get out of my grasp.  My lips parted to show my pearly whites as Heather's laugh filled the room.  "Good morning, Ash," she spoke once she regained enough breath to do so.
     "Morning, Heather, you want to tell me why today is so abnormal?"  She showed a sheepish smile, "whatcha mean?"  Her pitch was higher than usual, "you know what."  She never stopped smiling, instead she slipped her arms around my neck.  I instantly realized my arms never left her waist.  I bit back a blush as her blue eyes sparkled.  Dang, since when does a girl make me blush?  Something is definitely up with today.  "I have no idea what you're talking about," she pursed her lips.  My eyes left hers wondering to her lips, I quickly looked back up only to find her eyes linger on mine.  "I think you do, why's today so special?"  I moved closer to her, memorizing every flawless feature she obtained.  Her dazzling, curled, black hair, her peach skin, the single dimple she showed when she smiled, the way her eyes lit up in mine, the way her face inches closer and closer to my own. 
     "Somewhere in the world a child was born, a great hero laid to rest, a homeless man was given a shelter, a high school couple married, someone received their first pay check, a person won the battle against cancer, a dog was rescued from the pound, and a thousand little things to us but gravely big things to others is why today is so special."  I swear I almost fell for her right then and there, but I didn't want to make an accident.  I didn't want to ruin what we had, what we were, I didn't want to mess up and lose her.  She noticed this, the way she always did when I tried so hard to cover myself from her, she could always read me.  "Today is special just like you," with that she leaned in and I followed without delay.  It was at that moment everything connected.


      "Momma, please!  You can't go, you can't leave me.  I don't know what to do without you," I cried, holding her weak, flimsy, hand tight.  She kissed my forehead, "A, just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not with you.  I will always be with you no matter what happens.  Remember the wind?"  I nodded, sniffling.  "What did I tell you the wind does?"  I exhaled a deep breath before answering, "you can't see it, but it's there cause you can feel it."  She nodded, smiling, "yes, baby, you won't see me, but you will feel me.  I love you A."  I placed my head on her hand which I held, "love you too, Mommy."

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