Chapter Eleven

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"And how long has this been going on?" Josh asked, giving me an intrigued expression. "Long enough," was my ever so detailed response. He sighed, he had his brand new black pen down. He clasped his hands together and leaned forward in his rolling chair. I smirked, getting him frustrated, complete. See, Josh Benton, was my assigned therapy personal. He was in his mid-twenties, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, and was quite the friendly guy. Lucky for him, I wasn't. We were previously talking about me not liking physical contact, too bad for me I couldn't miss these stupid sessions. Thanks Judge, really helpful. You're making this fifteen year old boy's life sooo much better... not!
His 6'7 figure rose, he gave me a soft smile, "let's go." My brows creased in confusion, "what?" He shook his head, "you heard me." Oh, I guess he's finally giving me some of my own attitude, took him long enough to stop treating me like a piece of delicate glass. I stood following him out the door and down a hallway. We walked out of the building and over to his car. He slid into the driver's seat, I hesitantly got into the passengers. He started the engine and pulled onto the high way. I frowned, "what're you doing?" He licked his lips, "you'll see." I shrugged and looked out of the window. My imagination took me away as we drove around for what seemed like an eternity, but turned to only be thirty minutes. It wasn't until he parked the car, that my mind re-entered reality. We got out of the car and walked up to a brown brick building. He rang the door bell and it wasn't but two seconds before an elderly woman opened it.
"Oh! Josh, I wasn't expecting you this early. It's good to see you, and who is this young man?" She wore speckles around her neck, a plain pink shirt, jeans, old house shoes, and her light gray hair cut to her shoulders neatly brushed. She had to be no older than sixty. I, still, could see how much energy she held despite her age. Her dark skin riddled with creases of wisdom, she had clear blue eyes, that carried a sparkle of delight. "This is Ash Fault, Ash this is Tonya Cove," Josh introduced. She held out her hand, I thought about shaking it. I mean, what harm could a simple hand shake do? She looked kind and was obviously aged, but yet I couldn't bring myself to do it. I gave a small wave and her smile grew wider as she waved back. That left me perplexed, I didn't shake her hand, I waved instead, and yet her smile didn't vanish, it only grew. Why? I just rejected her handshake.
My face was blank, but my eyes never left the woman, what trick was she playing? Maybe I should just run? No, this is a court order... I could still make it... not unless you want to go to jail, Ash. Am I seriously talking to myself? Okay, what's this woman doing? "Welcome in!" She opened the door wider and stepped to the side, Josh ushered me in then shut the door for Tonya. I looked around the room. The kitchen sat to the left of me, it wasn't big but it wasn't too small. It was on white tiles, the table was a light wooden color as well as the chairs, cabinets, counter, and island. I looked to the right, the living room was there. A worn, but still in descent condition faded vanilla couch rested in the middle on light carpeted floor, a coffee table in front of the couch and a TV in front of that on an entertainment center set up. There were carpeted stairs a few feet away that went straight up to a hallway. Behind the stairs was a bathroom, study room, her room, and a playroom.
Tonya came over near me, "kids, we have a visitor!" Her warm voice raised. I flinched at the sudden change in tone, feeling guarded as Josh gave me a look. I shot him a quick glare, feeling a tad embarrassed not that I could help it. I heard the patter of footsteps as four kids scrambled down the stairs. When they reached the bottom we took a minute to analyze each other. I quickly noticed these weren't her biological kids, if they even were related to one another. There was a black haired, green eyed, young Korean girl. She must be no older than nine, she wore a slightly bright smile. Next to her was a black haired, brown eyed, young Chinese boy; he looked no older than she. There was a boy beside him that had black hair, chocolate eyes, and India origins. He, too, seemed to be the same age. On the right of the girl, was another girl, one who had course brown hair, hazel eyes, and a Hispanic skin tone, the same age as the rest.
Tonya beamed at her kids, "Ash, this is Yoongi," she pointed to the Korean girl. The small girl smiled brightly at the mention of her name. The name itself meant shine or gloss in Korean. She looked to the Chinese boy, "this is Shuang," the name meant bright or clear. I've picked up a few different names when I did a project last year for History based on cultures. He nodded to me as a sign of respect, I did the same. Next was the brown haired girl, "right here is Reina." The girl showed a small smile, but nothing more. Her name meant queen. Last was the India boy, "over there is, Ivaan," he grinned. His name meant God's gracious gift. Most I knew I wouldn't be the best at pronouncing, but I knew at least an idea of how to say it thanks to Tonya. Josh had amusement written all over his face pointed at me. I quirked an eyebrow, but he didn't acknowledge it. "Why don't you five go and play outside?" I nearly rolled my eyes, but a quick reminder of Bethany's scowl stopped me. Wait, why did I think of Bethany? She wasn't even here to disapprove of my action... what's going on with me lately??
I didn't protest, but instead followed the youngsters outside to a descent sized back yard. "How old are you?" Yoongi asked, she looked up at my figure. "Fifteen, you?" She nodded to herself, "I'm ten!" Well, I was close. She took me over to the swing set. She hopped into one and gave me a delicate smile, "can you push me? I'm not good at starting myself, but once I do I don't need you to help." I tensed, come on, it's a freaking ten year old. I can do this... right? My heart started to beat rapidly as I approached the back of her. My hands became sweaty, my breath hitched as my nerves spiraled out of control. I gulped, my hairs stuck up as my hand now casted a shadow across her back. This would be the first time I've ever willingly touched someone since I was eight. Yes, I know Skylar and I interact, but she's not someone, she's like a big sister to me.
Shuang, walked over to me, "how did you get with Josh?" My jaw clenched at his question, I exhaled a shaky breath as my finger tips pressed against Yoongi's back. My stomach flipped, but I forced myself to stay. "Family problems," I deadpanned, no emotion, no problem. Inside though, I was shaking. I added more pressure and Yoogni's small body was swung into the air a small ways. She giggled as the swing reached its highest point with the momentum I had added. I quickly stepped back as Yoogni came back, she swung her legs with the direction of the swing beginning to control it by herself. "I went to Josh for a year. My mom did drugs and my dad sold them. Momma T, was touring China when it all happened and I was taken to the orphanage. Luckily, she filed something and I got to come home with her," he had a smile, but his eyes lingered in a sad pit. My stomach dropped, he wanted the same thing I did... a normal life.
My eyes softened as I looked at him anew, feeling as if I understood him. I felt something within me stir, "America is lucky to have you." His eyes lit up with pride, "really?" I chuckled, "completely." His body language went confident, he stood straighter, eyes gleamed with fire, he was ecstatic. I was momentarily puzzled at the effect I had on him. Reina and Ivaan walked over to us, "wanna play a game?" She asked. Shuang answered for us before I even had a chance to protest, Ivaan began explaining. "We're going to play Circle! To play you have to stand in the sandbox, count to thirty with your eyes closed, and everyone has to hide. The first to be tagged or last to get in the circle is it. The tagged can't tag you in the circle either." I nodded, inwardly cringing at the thought of having to touch someone again. "I want to be it!" Reina raised her hand jumping around. "Okay, you're it, count to thirty and NO peeking!" Ivaan clarified. She nodded and went to the sandbox, covered her eyes, and began counting.
Everyone dispersed, I, myself, spotted a tree not too far from her only a few feet away. I snuck up to it and silently climbed up the bark every so quietly. I guess hiding from muggers, gangs, and people in general was actually helpful in a kid's game. "Done!" She screeched, without a moment's notice she took made a B-line around the house. I smirked, I stooped down from the tree and landed swiftly by the sand box. I took my time reaching the sand box and stood in it. Slowly I could easily make out Shuang creeping up to the sand box, his eyes focused on the corner of the house. Reina appeared around it and put on a look of determination. Shuang took off, running as if a lion was chasing him and not a nine year old girl. She was short by an arm's length away, but that didn't stop her. Shuang leaped and landed on a face full of sand just inches from me. Reina stuck out her lower lip in defeat. Without thinking, I reached my hand down as he looked up at me in victory.
He gripped on to my hand and I pulled him up. Did I just touch someone... again? What's happening to me? "Thanks," said he, wiping off his clothes. I nodded, looking over to where Reina had previously been only to find she was gone. We didn't have to wait long before Ivaan and Yoongi came dashing away from Reina's our stretched arms. Shuang shouted, "go Yoo, come on Iv!" I had a shadow of a smile from their nicknames, but a dreaded memory came to mind.


"We have to go A," called my mother's angelic voice from the kitchen. I shrugged on my backpack, "coming!" I bolted from our spotless living room to the cleaned kitchen. Dad stood smiling at my excited six year old self. "Ready for school, Ash?" He squatted down to my level. I nodded eagerly, my mom ruffled my hair gently, "come on Champ." She grabbed the lunch she had made for me and took my small hand. "See you this afternoon," my dad spoke, I waved to him and followed my mom out the door for my first day of kindergarten.

"Ash?" I blinked, my gaze fixed on a small child in front of me. Another memory came.


"Ash?" Called Coach Brown. My head snapped up from my sneakers, I halted from my morning jog, "yeah?" He walked up to me, "you good? Seems like something's been on your mind." I sighed, today was my mother's birthday, "I'm good." My voice was weak and being confronted about my mood added a shakiness in my tone. "Have a seat," he spoke in a calm tone as he sat down on the grass. I joined him, both our legs outstretched. "When I was about four, I found out my dad had cancer. He was my absolute best friend, we jogged together, he made my lunch, cleaned my laundry, and always did his best to make my life the greatest experience ever. He was strong, God at least let him be with me for a few more years, before he took him away peacefully in his sleep. I was angry for a long time, I was only twelve when he passed. My grades turned to F's, I was passed from school to school, and I pushed everyone away. God could heal many from Cancer and has, but he didn't heal my dad and that angered me. As the years went on, I fell deeper and deeper into my pit of self-pity and fury. One night, I was walking home, and a car came out of no where and knocked me out cold. I woke up a year later, remembering vague details of the accident. But, right before they woke me up, I saw my dad patting me on the shoulder telling me to 'live my life' and it hit me. I spent most of my life in anger, but God opened my eyes to seeing how quickly it could be taken and I needed to change. After I got out of the hospital, I went to church, read the Bible, and prayed for the first time since I was twelve. Long story short, I'm now a successful track coach and I'm grateful for it. The point I'm trying to make is, don't spend your life on regret and anger, let your emotions free and maybe even attend church."

I was sweating, the flashbacks were too much for me to stomach. I panted, why was this happening? I looked down at the four worried faces, "come on, let's go inside." They nodded and followed me in the air conditioned house. Yoongi gripped a small part of the edges of my shirt with her small hand. My eyes widened slightly, but I didn't protest against it. She wasn't technically touching me, not that the no touching rule seemed to take much effect on me today. We entered the living room to find Josh and Tonya conversing in the living room, they turned to look at us. Josh spotted Yoongi and I's small interaction and grinned. I rolled my eyes, but didn't pry her off. He stood with Tonya, "want a sandwich?" Said he and I shrugged as the little kids raced to the kitchen.


Aww!!!! Ash FINALLY TOUCHED someone by CHOICE!!! Yayayayay!!!!!! Can we just talk about Tonya's kids!😍😍 Yoongi, Shuang, Ivaan, and Reina! Like 🤩💕 so CUTE!!

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