Chapter 4: Combat training (part 1)

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(No ones POV)

You and Seras left the principal's office along with Kakashi. Thanks to the security cameras of the school, the director Nezu confirmed that those responsible for the "event" in the cafeteria were the bullies and no Seras and you. But despite knowing who was responsible, Nezu was not happy with the behavior you and Seras took. But thanks to Kakashi, Nezu agreed to let the two of you go with just a little warning.

You and Seras were walking in the halls of the school along with Kakashi, who was accompanying the two of you to your next class.

Seras: Thanks for helping us back there!

Kakashi: Don't thank me. If I see that you don't put effort into your classes, I will tell my sister to have you clean the bathrooms of her mansion for the rest of your life.

Seras's face turned completely pale. The thought of having to do this task for the rest of her life made her skin bristle. 

Seras: Y-You wouldn't do that, right?




Seras: Kakashi-sensei~

Seras was hit with a "soft" karate chop from behind.

Seras: OWW!!!

Seras was holding the back of her head. Some steam was leaving the place where Seras was hit.

Seras: (y/n)... Why? 

The stage became completely dramatic along with Seras's performance. 

Seras: I thought you loved me!

But Seras's dramatic bubble was destroyed when you used her only weakness against her... Logic.

(y/n): Seras... If you do something like that in public, you are going to get in a lot of trouble.

Seras: Well... I am a bad girl and I maybe need punishment~

Kakashi continued walking with some sweat falling from his forehead. Kakashi had a completely carefree look on his face.

Kakashi(mind): These two are never going to change... Anyway, if they don't realize they are late for their next class, then my sister will kill me for not helping (y/n).

Kakashi turned around, only to see Seras trying to seduce you while you simply looked in another direction trying to ignore her.

Kakashi(mind): But in the other hand... Watching those two is the most fun I've seen in a long time.

Kakashi took a deep breath and let out a sigh while closing his eye. He looked up and snapped his fingers to get attention to you and Seras.

Kakashi: You two can do whatever you want later. You two have a class to assist right now.

(y/n): Before that, I have something for you, uncle.

Kakashi: Huh?

You took something wrapped from your pocket.

(y/n): I knew I would find you today so I kept this with me until then.

Seras: Don't tell me that's-

(y/n): Shhh!

Kakashi slowly began to unwrap his gift. But suddenly, his eye went completely wide open while the background was being replaced by a thunderstorm. 

Kakashi: NANI?!?!

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