After Curfew || Theseus Scamander

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-- Theseus and his best friend Miranda are out after curfew and have a moment -- 

A/N: Here's one with Theseus! I swear, he's so goddamn attractive and I almost wish that he had more role to play because Callum Turner looks amazing as a wizard. If you're into Theseus like me and want to fullfill your fanfic cravings, you can also check out my other Theseus fic called "Kaleidoscope". 

Which character should I do next? :P 


"Come on Miran, live a little." Theseus tugs onto the said Ravenclaw's hand, "nobody's going to find out--"

"--because you're a prefect?" Miranda finishes for him, eyebrows raised to the sky. The said prefect grins bashfully, his blue eyes glinting with mischief as she lets out a loud sigh, crossing her arms defensively against her chest.

"In my defence, I still manage my grades and I always finish my homework." He argues.
"Yeah, because you copy off mine." She shoots back.
"Touché." He wraps a hand around the back of her elbow, "I promise we're not gonna get caught." She lets him pull her down the hallway before he leisurely wraps an arm around her shoulder. His action makes her warm, "besides, just act like we always do if we do get caught."
"Which is?"
"Like you're sick or something."
"You're ridiculous."
His grin widens into the crooked smile she loves so much, "but you love me."

She tries not to ponder too much on the meaning of his words, but she wishes that he knows how true these words are, for her. They quickly scurry out into the courtyard and round the corner into the staircase they've claimed as their own since they discovered it three years ago back in second year.

Miranda sits at the very top, pulling out a thermos of hot cocoa out of her rucksack while Theseus dumps out some snacks he'd bought in Hogsmeade. It's their weekly schedule, meeting up whenever Theseus did his prefect rounds so that they can chat about anything and everything. It's what Miranda loves the most about their relationship; it hasn't changed throughout the years even with the countless girls that had lined up for the older Scamander's attention. She is blessed and she knows it, albeit the fact that it breaks her heart a little each time she sees him in another girl's arms.

Theseus takes a big gulp of his cocoa before flinching with a yelp, "ah bloody hell--" he hissed, tongue burning.

Miranda chuckles as she rolls her eyes, "idiot."

"This reminds me of that one time at Christmas where you decided it was a great idea to mix vodka and cocoa together." Theseus teases as he leans closer, shoulder brushing her own and leaving a trail of warmth coursing through her shoulder. 

"In my defence, I hadn't known what vodka really tasted like." Miranda pulls a face at the memory, shuddering slightly.

"Funny, that's exactly what you said the first time you kissed Robert."

"Please don't remind me of that."

"Hm, I think the words you used were," Theseus pauses for effect while his blue eyes gleam with amusement, "like kissing a wet, dead fish." 

Miranda shoves his shoulder and he laughs softly, "It's not like your first kiss with Sally Freeman was the greatest experience." 

"It was better than the one with Gemma."

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