fucking ass

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Yeah my friend group consists of seven girls. Theres Bubby, Bffl, Bow, Disney, Nik, Derpeh and Rena.  It seems that people I despise think that they can at our table.

Okay I know we dont own 'tables' but listen here you swine. If there is no room at our table, dont plant your ass at the edge and eat your lunch.

This is exactly what a fat asian boy does. When we talk about inside jokes, he whines in his girly voice. 

And when you dont tell him whats up, he goes beserk. Um calm your chubby ass, no one here likes you so we wont tell you. He's not friends with any boys either so he thinks it's his duty to bother the girls.

Im an asshole, I know, but at least he can hang out with people that actually like him. He's in Derpeh's class too, boy she has stories about him. 

She forgot to open the door for him because she was in a rush to go to the wahsroom and he goes red and starts screaming.


Bitch, this girl is about to leak through her skinny jeans and you're expecting her to open the door? She didnt even close it on his face, HE WAS A METER AWAY FROM THE DOOR.

Open the door yourself, we cant be Canadian like all the time

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