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1. I live in the oh so great Canada

2. My background is Persian 

3. According to my friends, Im short

4. By 'friends' I mean three guys and a girl I like being with. Just dont question it, I like their personalities

5. I have Acrophobia, the fear of heights and the fear of pain and death

6. At night, if I have a bad dream, I still go to my mom's room and sleep with her, but only when my dad's out of town

7. The only thing on the Internet that bothers me is twincest. Having a twin and reading it makes me feel very uncomfortable

8. I love writing so much, but I get tried after writing three chapters, so thats why I adore one shots and short stories

9. I would honestly die if I lost my mom, sisters or dad at this age

10. Just fucking stay away from me if you think 'being gay' is a fucking joke and you can use as a punch line for stupid- UGH just dont!

11. I have this mini obsession with unicorns and waffles. My teachers think im insane

12. Internet is my life, as you can tell

13. My grades are good so far, but I cannot count how many times I've failed

14. If u know me in real life, dont come to me with fucking problems or jokes about Derpeh, bc bitch, whatever you say to me goes to her

15. I dont know what my sexuality is but I already know it's not asexual *laughs awkwardly*

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