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so I was really excited in elementary school to not be in one class with the same bitches. As I progressed onto junior high, I realized my hopes and dreams were shattered, for in my school board, THEY DONT ORGANIZE CLASSES LIKE THAT.

You get a fucking time table and a homeroom but guess fiddly widdly what.

You're in the same class with the same people ALL THE FUCKING TIME

You dont get your own personal time table.

Your whole class gets the SAME FUCKING TIME TABLE

I didnt sign up for this shit. What I signed up for is to be with the cute guys in other classes. What I signed up for is not to be with the most obnoxious try hard ever FUCKING PERIOD.

And it's so hard mantaining friendships from elementary school. Um bitch, that boy, yeah the one who isnt even in my gym class or music. Yeah you know that one,. MAYBE I WANTED TO FUCKING TALK WITH HIM OR SOMETHING BECAUSE I'VE KNOWN HIM FOR THE LONGEST TIME!?

And at lunch time. God, at lunch time. I made friends in 7-4, the fourth and final class. Im in 7-1. I dont have music or gym with any of these girls. And ugh it's so frustrating. I dont get their inside jokes or anything and all the good people got put in 7-3 and 7-4

And Im left with two hoes with no sense of being polite and a girl who asks if you have pubic hair or not.

Wowy, how I love my dearest class

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