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I prob mentioned my French Project... Okay I didnt?

Fine, Ill tell you what its about

Pick a friend, family member or character to write a written piece about. You must include things like their description, birthday, hobbies and personality

After you got this checked by Madam A, she'll send you into the computer lab where you'll gather photos of your person. We're allowed to go on Facebook for this too

After that, you put them all in Photo Story 3 and put in a little summary for each paragraph in your writing piece.

I did mine on Levi.

And im using Trick and Treat by Len and Rin as my background music and its sooo good

My friends doing her's on me. Ya know, Seesha :3


Her background music is Shinkou by Grell :3 She hates me for that but whateves, she needed my fav song

Why did I inform u



have fun



Black Friday


ConflictedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя