#10 New Bestfriend

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New character of my life was struggling to open the door,it seemed as it's lock was jam.
"It always get stuck here,just few more tries"she said in exasperation.
We were standing outside the apartment 29 of building skyhills.
I really couldn't imagine myself in this place.
She really has a nice ass,a bit of jealousy grew in me.
And then click,the door opened.
I followed her inside.
With purple walls,a black modern kitchen and high end chairs at counter of the kitchen, it looked like a really porsh place.
"You used to hang out here all the time,we were best friends like monica and Rachel from F.R.I.E.N.D.S"she said with a huge smile.
I didn't say anything as I was busy in observing the new place.
One of the wall was coloured white instead of purple and it had many frames on it.

In one frame ,I was sleeping in dumpster,it felt like I was super drunk,I chuckled.
In other frame I and Jessica were on a roller coaster,I seemed to be excited about it ,on the contrary Jessica's face color was pale and white due to fear.
There were mostly pictures of us.
In one picture,it was me ,Jessica,and another older lady holding our hands on a beach,we would be like 9 years old in those pony tails.
There was a group portrait,20 bunch of people smiling during their graduation as officers from Quantico.I found me and Jessica at the left corner.
I had a melt down,it was overwhelming to see all this but yet not able to cherish these memories.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Valarie,don't worry,a person can never forget her identity,I m here for you,you just need to put all your trust in me"she consoled me.

"I will,After all, you are all I m left with"I said without turning.
"Go ,sit on couch,I will bring something to eat and then we can catch up with our lives...chill" she pointed towards her maroon vinyl couch.
I was playing with the tendrils of her money plant when she placed a
tray full of chips ,salsa &dips with cold beers.
It really felt nice,it felt like home.

"So,you go first val,tell me everything and then I will tell you about YOU"she said after taking a sip from her can.
I narrated her everything,from me waking up stranded in woods,to the lies of specters ,to me finding about my hookups ,I told her everything except my visions.
She took a deep breath.
"Okay,so listen my poor child,
You and I Are like sisters"
"Sisters!!"I repeated.
"Yeah,I and my mum were walking around the central park ,when we first saw you,like a small kitten you were hidden under a bench,eating a piece of cupcake,my mum pulled you out and asked you about your parents,your address but you didn't say anything,you were like just eight year old on that time".

I was listening to her with my full concentration.

"We left you after our unsuccessfull tries to get a word out of you,I even did a zombie dance to make you laugh but you were such a tight ass At that time"she said mockingly.
I giggled.

"The next day we found you again under the same bench,but this time you spoke,you told us how you didn't like your father and your mum not waking up from sleep and that you ran away from there".

My mum not waking up from sleep..I thought...I felt terrible for myself.

"My mum Always wanted an another baby,but due to her medical condition she couldn't,so she adopted you and then ever since we both lived together,went to school together,graduated together and then went to Quantico for our training as agents" she said ,there was a dreamy expression on her face.

"You were Always good at everything,always better than me but it won't be justice to old valarie if I don't tell you what a bitch you were"she chuckled.
"I was a bitch!!" I exclaimed in disbelief
"Lips moving,I m still talking,just hear me"she said irritatedly.

She definitely had high self esteem unlike me.
"You could never tolerate anyone to be better than you,once you slept with our friend Scarlet's boyfriend so that she perform poorly in academics due to depression of break up,
She just scored 5 marks more than you and you went bat shit crazy"she laughed at the last sentence.

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