#16 The Bug

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"So,did they find anything about Danielle?"
Donna took a long sip from her wine,the color of red wine and her burgundy hair blends well.
"No they are still looking for him,a combing operation is on"
"Who is she?"
She pointed her long purple manicured finger toward Jessica
"She's my caretaker,appointed by police"
I chanted the memorised script.
"So,how you dealing with this...I mean it must have been hard to keep up with everything and how's karen holding up.."I stalled her to get to the main subject.
"We are incomplete now,its hard to accept that he's gone forever...I can never forgive the killer,it's like my pride has been snatched away"..
And then I saw her eyes welling up,she pulled out a white-chiffon handkerchief and wiped her stained-face.
"I m sorry,but I just can't stop crying"
"Donna,its okay,I am here"I took her wine out of her hand and hugged her
The situation felt right and hot to hammer.
"Infact I was wondering if I could come back and help you around in the house,it must be hard to do chores and manage everything"
She raised her eyebrows ,I don't know whether she was delighted or surprised by the offer .
"I would love to have you around but I don't think I will be able to pay you for few weeks"
"It's okay Donna,I am doing this to support you"
"But you are under observation of police,karen won't like that"
"Yeah but they don't think I am of any use to them"I shrugged.
"Well,then ... welcome,you can start tomorrow"
I was doing hoola hoops in mind,I am definitely the worst mourner on this planet.
Jessica's tongue was almost in ear of that old man when I dragged her by elbow out of the yard.
"You are here to help or to ruin"
"Just enjoying my day , sweetheart"
"He's your father 's age!!!"
"Well,I don't know who is my father and I am pretty sure even my father doesn't know that he is my father!"she winked.
I rolled off my eyes and we headed back to the safe house.
Jessica handed me full procedural report consisting of all the possible location of  bugs we need to target.
According to her,the last conversation was heard on 23rd of November after that due to interference ,we lost the connection,but all bugs records conversation.
I read my old profile and my fake family relationships again and again.

It was 11 am when I was dropped by cab in front gate of specters.
This is the house where my new life started,I glanced around the whole neighborhood .
It was a sunny day with light breezes blowing my hair and blue floral dress.
I tip toed to the gate in my silver 4 inch heels and rang the bell.
It was karen in a navy blue crop top and a black high waisted jeans with tan boots.
"Hey!you look good,going somewhere?"
It's weird and fishy to see a girl dressed up like this just after her dad passed away.
"None of your business",and then she tossed her sleek blonde hair on my face and rushed to the garage.
Well,jessica had already cautioned me about her behavior,she isn't a normal teenager.
I heard the engine of her car roar and then she drove her shining white Bentley out.
I decided to not bother myself by her obnoxious behavior.
I entered and was astonished to see the whole mess.
It was a pig stay,a lot different than yesterday,
Thousands of empty wine glasses,
Leftover in plates thrown here and there.
There were deep stains of wine on white carpet .
The whole wooden floor had dried up mud shoe prints that came by shoes of the visitors.
It was a total mess.
I went to kitchen and it was disastrous.
Shattered glass on floor,gas stove covered in over boiled milk,and the garbage bin was flowing with week old trash.
Donna must be grieving the death really bad.
I felt pity for her,but now is not the time,I am supposed to uncover the truth and ravel this mystery .
There was a pink  note stamped on the refrigerator.

I will be back by 12:30,home is a mess but I know you can handle,I have few guests too to come by with me,please clean the house as soon as possible .

"Damn it!!!!"I cursed loudly.
This was the perfect opportunity to find all the recorders but it's 11:15 already.
I decided to start from kitchen,
I washed all the dishes,mopped the floor spectacularly,dumped the trash.
It was hard to remove stains from white carpet.I tried everything that came to my mind.
Bleaching powder..... kerosene...I rubbed it vigorously with a scrubber but nothing helped.
So I threw the carpet in laundry bucket and wiped the whole floor till it was pristine clean.
The last thing left to do was their washrooms,
Which had tons of hairs clogged in basin,I couldn't believe that I was doing this.
Karen even didn't flush the toilet,it was definitely done on purpose.
It was 12:22 when I laid with my legs up in air  on their black couch after sheer exhaustion.
I was dripping sweat,the cold air of  AC cooled my whole body.
The door bell rang.It must be them,I peeked for the one last time and hurried to the door.
It was Donna and her three upper state friends all dressed like they were about to attend a red carpet.
I welcomed them with smile and then hosted their little tea party.
They left around 3 pm.
"I m grateful to you that on such short notice you arranged everything"
"It's alright,wasn't too hard"
"How's your health?"
"Cool,I m fine"
"You can use the old room under the staircase right now"
I have to stall her out of living room somehow,but how,and then it clicked!!
"Yes honey"
"I got a call from fedix delivery ,which is near Arizona railway,they have a package for you,he didn't deliver it to me as it is supposed to be done in person"
This is a total buff,chances are too low that she will buy this bullshit.
She twitched her eyebrows And it seemed her body was tensed.
"Um,yeah,sure..I will go right now"
And then she left with her brown overcoat.
This was the time to search living room,according to the input and intelligence,we are supposed to put it in a hole with one side open.
I searched inside vase,under the drawers,under sofa....double checked the wall paintings.
It was hard to figure out a safe place.
And then I thought which place could be least expected.
There was a huge face of a wild bear on the crimson red wall.
I walked up to it and focused on his bright black eyes.
It's one eye seemed less black than the other.
I touched the right bulging eye and the glass came off...
And BAM!!!
THERE was the skin colored spherical bug with two tiny silvered leg .
I pulled out my Samsung to share this news with Jessica,her cell was ringing and then it lead me to her voice mail box.
Suddenly I heard the roar of engine,it's karen,she is back,I put the glass back in eye and rushed to get out of the hall,but I bumped straight into karen.
"Not your fault,not everyone is  blessed with a good eyesight" she taunted and threw her white jacket on floor.
"Clean properly..."
I have no idea why does she hate me so much..but with her around it's next to impossible to do my work.

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