Authors Note

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Hello lovely reader people! Let's talk about stuff. I know it's been a while since I updated. Like forever. Plus my stories really aren't that good in the first place, and there is a reason for that believe it or not. I don't edit them. That probably isn't a big surprise to you, but I thought it should be said. Anyway so the way I write is that in the rare moments I get motivated I churn out a fic and then publish it straight away because usually, the inspiration strikes late at night, and 
then I'm too tired to edit in the moment and I know that if I leave it till the next day it'll sit in my 
notes until the day I die. I usually do basic spelling and grammar checks though. So the point badly written explanation was to say that I will be possibly, maybe editing this collection of one-shots throughout the coming weeks. That is if I don't start binge reading more Johnlock fanfiction. Also its Christmas 2019 and I'm sewing a bunch of small drawstring bags and filling them with candy to give to people. Plus I'm weaving the drawstrings by hand which takes about 3 billion years, so there's that. And I'm rewatching the Clone Wars whilst I do that. Oh and I'm also putting off several assignments for school that I should be doing. So this may happen and it may not. Feel free to dm until it does, unless none of you want this in which case to bad.

Ps. If you take away anything from this rant, let it be that I am flighty and not to be trusted when it comes to writing and I'm sorry.

Pps. Oh and I'm probably moving to the SoCal so I'm stressing over that, but who knows maybe I'll write more then

Agents Of Shield One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now