New Years Kisses

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This one is vaguely based off that New Year's episode from Friends in Season 5 Episode 11. This takes place after Fitz and Simmons get together but before Yoyo and Mack. Just a reminder that the Playground is still there in this one.



Daisy Johnson

It was early morning on New Year's Eve and Sky was scheming. Fitzsimmons were planning a small fancy-dress party, just the original gang, minus Ward and plus Piper and Davis of course, and Daisy was determined to get Coulson and May to kiss at midnight. She just had to work out the logistics. Daisy rose from where she had been sitting on her bed and flung on an old t-shirt and jeans that had been lying on her floor for days now. There would be time for primping later. Maybe she could even convince May to let her do her makeup. As if. She quickly threw on her own makeup and ran a brush through her hair. Showering could wait, she decided.

Daisy walked briskly down the corridor, looking in every open doorway for Simmons. Finally spotting her in the common room, she got straight down to business.

"Simmons," she asked, "you are kissing Fitz at midnight, right?"

Simmons shrugged. "Well, I'm quite certain neither Fitz nor I would fancy kissing each other, while everyone just stands around watching us," Simmons said. "You'll have to convince other people to kiss too."

Perfect! Two down, six to go. "Will do. Hey, tell Fitz if you see him, won't you?" Jemma nodded in response and Daisy left to go find Yoyo. Yoyo was already fully made up in her New Years attire, having the advantage of being faster than the speed of sound, and was now helping by decking the corridors with ribbons and shiny confetti, at top speed. "Hey Yoyo! Who are you kissing at midnight? Mack or Davis?"

"Mack or Davis? Are those really my only two options?" Yoyo was pretending to be upset.

"Well, unless you count Coulson, but I figured that would be a little weird, and Fitz is taken," Daisy explained.

"I guess I'll take Mack then. Kissing Davis would just be too weird."

"True," Daisy agreed, smiling inwardly. "Well I would say you could kiss Piper, but I heard that she just started dating one of the new recruits, Amanda."

"Ah. Well, who are you kissing? Your only choices are Coulson and Davis," Yoyo grinned.

"That never occurred to me," Daisy said slowly. "Guess I'm kissing Davis." And with that Daisy wondered off in search of Mack. Mack was in the Hanger, putting away some tools. "Hey Mack," she called, "Yoyo is kissing you at midnight."


"Well everyone has to kiss someone and your choices are me, Yoyo, or May." Daisy grinned.

"Oh, good point. Yoyo it is then. Want to help me put these tools away?" But Daisy was already gone. Now all she had to do was make sure Coulson kissed May. She passed Jemma in the hallway carrying a box of shrubs.

"Daisy," Simmons said, "We're down three people. Piper just told me that she and Amanda are bailing to spend New Years with together and Davis' sister is having a baby." Daisy stopped. She'd not heard a word Jemma said.

"Simmons, is that mistletoe?" Daisy asked. Simmons winked.

"Pffffft noooooo, of course not," she said, nodding her head vigorously, "You know Coulson hasn't allowed mistletoe in the base since the drunk Huntingbird incident. Besides, it's a bit late in the year for mistletoe, isn't it." Jemma handed Daisy a large bundle of the stuff. "Use it wisely," she grinned and skipped off down the hall to the dining room. Daisy wiped the smile off her face and shoved the mistletoe under her shirt, skirting a group of agents as she walked past them, then she hurried back to her room to start planning.

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