Truth Serum

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This is for @nightsisterkaris, for her bingo philinda thing

This takes place in season 2, after Ward escaped from the bus when he's on the run from Shield. Also, pretend everyone including Skye was sent to hunt him down but May went missing along the way.

"Alright Skye. And if you find her, don't go in until you report back to me, is that clear?" Coulson asked. He waited a minute for confirmation before ending the call. He went back to pacing the briefing room, waiting for some sort of news. If his team didn't find something on May's whereabouts within the next hour, their chances of finding her would grow drastically slimmer. An incoming video call popped up on the briefing screen. Coulson allowed himself a small sliver of hope. It had to be the team reporting back with news of May. Heck, maybe they'd already found her. This might actually be May, calling to tell him she was ok. He slammed his hand against the answer button with a desperation he hadn't felt since the last time May want missing. A video popped up on the monitor. Hogging the camera was a dark-haired man, with an unshaven face and cheekbones you could cut yourself on.

"Hey Coulson," Ward smirked, "long time no see."

"Ward?" Coulson stared somewhat indignantly. "You know, normally if a man I was hunting sent a very traceable call right to my plane, I'd have questions. But you're not Melinda, so I have to go." Coulson reached for the "end call" button.

"Wait Coulson, I have her." Ward moved aside. "Here's your damsel in distress." Behind where he had been standing, tied to a chair and looking particularly worse for wear, was Melinda May. Her whole cheek was a mess of bruised flesh. Blood trickled down her face, mingled with pus and the sweat of her broken body. She almost certainly had a concussion, and probably would have to spend a good amount of time in the med bay, recovering from other injuries to numerous to count. May was just barely conscious, but her head lolled to the side in a manner that made Coulson want to scoop her up, fix her, and then hold her and never let go.
Then he wanted to take Ward and break every bone in his body before flinging off the nearest cliff, preferably one with sharp rocks at the bottom.

"May!" Coulson yelled. "Are you ok! Talk to me Melinda!" His nails dug into his palms as he clenched his fists, fighting the urge to show any more signs of distress. "What do you want Ward?" he asked, his voice shaking as he tried to keep his mixed feelings of hatred and blind panic out of his voice.

"I want you to suffer Coulson. And unfortunately for you, I know that the best way to make you suffer is by making May suffer." Coulson's eyes widened as he once again took in the sight of May's damaged face. "I also know," Ward continued, "that the best way to make our stone-faced zen warrior here suffer, is to embarrass her." With that, he took out a syringe with what was undoubtedly the thickest needle that Coulson had ever seen, and plunged it into her arm, injecting the clear liquid straight into her bloodstream.

"No!" Coulson yelled. He moved towards his cell phone on the other side of the table.

"Don't even think about it Coulson, one move to contact anyone, and May gets it. Now I've injected her with a drug called CT-7567. It's an old drug the SSR developed during WW2. It was used during interrogations to make POW's spill the beans, so to speak. The project was abandoned when the serum started to attack the central nervous system. That's right Coulson. If your team doesn't get here in time, your precious Melinda will be taking a very long nap. Six feet underground." Coulson's face paled. He wracked his brains, trying to think of something, anything he could do that would help.

"You don't get to call her that!" Coulson was attempting to stall. "She's May to you!"

"Oh I think you'll find that I can. I have the power here; I'm in command of this base. Now shut up and let me work. I want to know all the dirt on your precious Melinda." He gave a dry chuckle and moved over to where May was sitting. Up until now, her eyes had been staring lazily at the wall. Now they swiveled round in their sockets to look at Ward. She let out a school girl's giggle.

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