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We define ourselves by our family. From birth, we share their names. Entrust them to protect that which we hold most dear. We value them above all others, and yet we are inevitably forced apart. Promises are made and left unkept. The bond of family is not a bond forged on choice. In fact, some would see family as a terrible burden.

Jack and I take Jolie, and the rest of the wolves out to the Bayou. The pack unload their vehicles. I watch as I hold Jolie in my arms. I've had a hard time putting her down or letting her out of my site since Dahlia showed up at the jazz club.

I leave to find Jack. It takes a while but I find him digging a grave next to his Grandfather's. Jackson is in the middle of hammering a wooden gravestone, which has been carved and burnt with the initials 'A. L.' and a crescent moon. Sitting next to Jackson is a homemade coffin with Aiden's body inside.

"Elijah called. Freya is doing a locator spell to find us. We need to leave. Now." I pause for a moment realizing what Jack is doing. "Wait you're burying Aiden here?"

Jack sighs. "We can't keep carrying him around forever. Just give me a minute to get him in the ground and we'll get out of here."

I look at him in shock. "You said that this is how wolves bury murderers and traitors. I know that Aiden was answering to Klaus, but he was loyal to the pack in the end! That's what got him killed, Jack."

Jack is frustrated. "You don't think I know that? You think this is how I wanna..." he gestures at the grave "... put Aiden to rest?" I look at him sympathetically and rock Jolie as she coos. "I don't have a choice, El. You said it yourself, we gotta go."

I shake my head sadly. "It's not right. If we expect the wolves to put their lives on the line for Jolie, they deserve to know that those lives matter to us." Jackson nods in agreement. I sigh deeply. "We'll take Aiden down-river, give him a true Crescent funeral." Jack looks impressed. "Too much has been taken from our pack. I won't let them lose this too."

Jack pulls the grave marker he made for Aiden out of the ground. He walks over to Jolie and I and places his hand on Jolie's back. She coos happily.

I carry Jolie in my arms as I walk with Jack and the rest of the Crescents through the forest on our way down the river. Several of the men are carrying Aiden's coffin, and all of them are wielding melee weapons. Jackson and some of the others have a bow and a quiver full of arms, while others have axes, shortswords, or machetes.

I look at Jack. "You used to run these woods when you were cursed to your wolf form?"

Jack nods. "And before it. I was an angry kid, I was pissed we were exiled, I was pissed at my parents."

"Every kid with the wolf gene is angry. I was a nightmare. It was even worse, because my wolf side was bound. I was never truly free to be myself," I tell him.

Jolie starts to stir in my arms and whimpers.

"I got worse, when I triggered the curse. Of course, it was different you know, when I triggered my curse, the Crescent curse kicked in, so I was stuck as a wolf all month long. One full moon, our Alpha didn't show up. He was killed. So, I stepped up. Protected these people, kept them safe, and that calmed me down... at least, for a little while," Jack explains.

Suddenly, Jolie starts crying loudly, clearly tired and unhappy. "Hey, I need to stop and feed her."

Jackson and the other wolves stop walking and turn toward me. "There's a hideout about a half a mile south from here. Grab some guys to watch your back. I'll round up the rest and we'll make a perimeter. This Bayou is our territory, and we'll defend it."

The wolves all split up to start to set up their security arrangements, leaving Jolie and I with several other wolves.

It isn't long before I make it to the hideout with Jolie. I quickly feed her and she settles down. I put her down in a makeshift playpen.

laissez les bon temps rouler//jackson kennerWhere stories live. Discover now