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Freya and I head back to the compound. The still-daggered Nik and neutralized Dahlia, are lying on the floor of the living room. Marcel is kneeling to examine Nik's body.

Bekah sighs. "Nik is demented! Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol... if Davina doesn't turn us inside out!"

"Or, we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it," I offer.

Freya stares at Dahlia. "I say we choose a more permanent option: find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him."

Marcel scoffs. "Well, yeah, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned!"

Suddenly Bekah shouts, "The dagger!"

We all look towards Nik's body. The end of the dagger begins to slowly melt, the handle becomes shorter and shorter, presumably from Dahlia's magic.

"It's bloody melting!" I shout.

Elijah sighs. "We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set."

The dagger continues to melt as we consider our only option. To be honest I like Marcel, I would even say I love him, but right now I would love to kill my brother. Once again he has ruined my life. He tried to give my daughter to Dahlia. He has cursed my husband in the process.

I head with Ellijah, and Bekah to the burnt-down plantation house. I watch as they dig up Esther's remains. Elijah pulls out her coffin and drags it away from her grave as Rebekah looks on unhappily.

"Oh, isn't this lovely. Fresh air, the birds are singing in the trees... the perfect day to dig up Mommy Dearest's corpse," Bekah remarks.

Elijah picks up a can of gasoline and begins to pour it over Esther's remains. "A perfect day to carry out the assignment of a lunatic."

"What's that saying? 'A madman often speaks the truth?' I can't help but think we should be using this opportunity to raise Kol and not this daft bitch," I offer.

"You speak as if it's a foregone conclusion." Elijah angrily throws the can of gasoline into the grave. "Let's not forget, we still have to deceive Davina Claire. So, perhaps we steal a page from Niklaus' playbook? She might yet help us if she has no idea that she is helping us."

Rebekah remains silent for a long moment. "I said I'd stay in my witch body until I saved Kol." I give her a sympathetic look. "Now, I've broken my promise, and I am actively conspiring to shanghai Davina of her one chance to bring him back herself. I feel like a traitor."

"You are not to blame," Elijah tells her.

"It's not just my promise to Kol. Now, because of Nik's spite, I am once again built to take life... Robbed of the chance to create it," Bekah says. She looks as though she's about to cry, but after a moment, she forces herself to shake it off before admonishing herself. "Enough. He stole from you, too."

"Gia was innocent," Elijah states.

"Innocence does not do well in our family," I remark.

Bekah looks at me, "Elijah, is not the only one to have something stolen from him last night."

I frown. "Yes, but he did not get Jolie."

Bekah keeps pushing, "Else, it hurts me to see you pretend you don't deserve happiness! That you don't deserve Jackson. That you don't deserve your pack. A home away from us."

"And what about you, sister? Where is your happiness?" I question.

Rebekah has no answer for this, and instead simply pulls a silver lighter with the Mikaelson 'M' seal engraved into it from her pocket and lights it. "I suppose it's a family trait, everything we love, we turn to ash." She angrily tosses the lighter on top of Esther's gasoline-soaked remains as she and Elijah somberly watch it go up in flames.

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