Tomato Hokage?

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Maki Uchiha, Son of Sasuke Uchiha. Just like his father, he and his sister were treated like royalties in the ninja academy, along with the hokage's son, their skills match the expectations as well.

As an elite genin, he must always work hard to rise up to higher ranks, just as he is doing right now.

But even the writer wonder why he's doing it in "The thinker" pose.

Though it was quite enjoyable for Sarada to watch.

"Oi, Baka-Otōto, what are you doing?" Sarada asked, a hand on her hip. Maki stayed quiet for a while before replying "What is Tou-San's fear?" Sarada was shocked by the question and out a hand under her chin "other than "Bring your children to Orochimaru's hideout" and Mama's rampage, nothing. I guess?" Maki frown "Tou-San's coming home tomorrow and I wanna pull a prank on him, but I don't want to go to Orochimaru's hideout or have Ka-San go on a rampage, so what should I do..?"

"Are you two planing to prank your father?"

The two snapped their head back to see their mother, who had a questioning look. "We...uh, no! Nononono! We're not pranking anyone!" The two of them said in synch. Sakura frown for a moment before a mischievous expression replaced it "I know your father's other fear"
With those simple words, she had the male Sharingan user sitting in front of her with stars in his eyes like a student about to learn a super secret special move from his master "please let me learn such great knowledge!" Sarada sweatdropped as Sakura chuckled darkly "Sasuke-kun's third fear is.......!" Maki waited with anticipation and Sarada also had a feeling of curiosity. "Naruto's "tomato rage mode"!"

Insert cricket sounds


"Lord Seventh's "Tomato rage mode"?" Sarada asked. "Yup, like Boruto, Naruto also go on a rampage whenever someone call him tomato, but worse because of the kyuubi inside him, just like Boruto's grandmother, who was nicknamed "Red hot-blooded Habanero", it had become a national unofficial rule to never call an Uzumaki a tomato" she explained

'National unofficial rule?' the two children thought in synch, again.

"I-is it that bad?" Sarada stuttered. "It's bad enough to scare your father once. He called Naruto a tomato one time in our early genin days and let's say, err

... It didn't end well!" Sakura added 'WHAT HAPPENED?!' the two thought in synch again, their "twinsiness" showing.

"Wait, why are you telling us this? We're planning to prank Tou-San" Maki asked suspiciously, Sakura though for a moment before a dark Aura engulfed her. Maki scooted away to his sister and whispered in her ear "must be adult stuff, let's bail" Sarada nodded, following her brother comically scooting away God knows where.


Sasuke was walking through the village toward his family's apartment before suddenly, a deadly and dangerous aura polluted the air. His breath was stuck in his throat, the oxygen felt thin and heavy. He turn his head to see death coming near with his scythe ready to strike. He instantly knew what happened, this dark Aura only happens when..


He gulped. "What is it Naruto, if you think I called you a tomato than you're mistaken" ha defended, trying to keep his voice stoic. But he knew, an angry Uzumaki can only be tamed by their beloved.

'Where's Hinata when I need her?!'

"A little Birdy told me..."

'Dear God, please forgive all of my sins and accept my humble request of mercy'

"You.... called me..."

Memories flashed before his eyes, he didn't notice his children nearby or that the surrounding villagers have left to hide, for the sake of staying alive.

"....... Tomato......"

The last thing he saw was red nine locks of hair.


"Say Sarada, did I go too far?"

"He broke his promise, I want my "Father and Daughter time" "

"So I didn't?"

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