Aobakatsu clan

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Contains OCs and Slight crossover.

Team seven stood in the hokage office, receiving their new mission "this is a C-class mission, your assignment is to guard the Aobakatsu clan junior royal battle. It's not necessarily dangerous, you just need to make sure they don't accidentally kill each other, y'know" the team replied affirmatively and left the building, the spar will start after midday, might as well grab a bite before heading off.
The team meet up in front of the compound, the walls are oak wood reinforced with iron, a clan member they met at the fieldtrip. He had slightly tanned skin, pale blue eyes and jet black hair that he tied in a low ponytail. He wore a black shirt sleeved shirt with a spiky symbol resembling an explosion on his shoulders, a brown chest armor strapped to his chest, black shinobi pants and sandals. His leaf headband tied on his forehead. He is the Former clan head's second born, Kazeko Aobakatsu. (1)

He greeted them and led them to the sparing ring. The last time they saw the ring, it was a field of sand, now, glass turned sand filled the ring. Kaze noticed their confusion and told them "we had the teenage spar only an hour ago, we got a lot of fire bombers these generation"

Aobakatsu clan are a family with a bomb Kekkei genkai, their bomb elements are different from their chakra nature and in the clan, the main family name their kids literally their element name added with "Ko" if the first born was female and "Ke" if it's Male.
The clan heads will be replaced by their heirs who surpassed them, currently, the clan head is Kazeko's eldest sister, Raiuko. (2)
They weren't really a major clan at first and they weren't really infiltrated in any village, but Kakashi founded their compound in the woods and thought that their powers are rather wasted out there and offered them a place among the noble clans of Konohagakure. That time, Raiuko wasn't the clan head yet. Her father, Rakuraike Aobakatsu, (3) accepted the offer and here they are.

A few minutes after waiting, children bellow 13 seround the ring. A girl who looked a lot like a taller female version of Kazeko but with electric blue eyes and hair in the same style as Ino stood in the middle of the ring. She wore a dark blue sleeveless shirt with a V shaped net are under the turtleneck collar, a white chest armor, a pair of black fingerless gloves that reach her upper arm, a black shinobi pants and blue shinobi sandals.

"Children, your battle will start from the youngest pair, whoever win will continue to battle. Please be conscious of your own abilities and remember that "Union bomb technique" is prohibited!Now, let the battle begin!" The girl, Raiuko, jumped out of the ring as the first pair start.
It took around 1 hour until it reached the eldest pair. A boy with crimson red eyes and blonde spiky hair stared at a boy with dark gray eyes and red and white hair. The blonde boy attacked, fire blazing out of the chakra bombs he threw at the other boy shouting "fire bomb: comet rain!". The dual colored haired boy dodged the bombs and shouted "fire bomb: volcanic eruption!"
Molten rocks flew everywhere, the blonde tried to counter attack but the other boy ran up to him and punch him hard in the gut. He jumped away quickly and shouted "Fire bomb: hellish landmine!" Explosions erupted all over the ring as other participants covered their face from heat and dirt. "YOUR GOING DOWN HALF N' HALF" Angered, the red eyes boy two bombs shouting "Union bomb technique: Blazing storm!" A pillar of flame shot out of the small ball, scorching everything around it. Konohamaru, with the help of Mitsuki, pulled all of the children behind the team, knowing the adults could take care of themselves. The half redheaded boy covered his eyes only to have the angry boy to set up a bomb right in front of him "UNION BOMB TECHNIQUE: CHELYABINSK!" (4) The comet like explosion send him crashing to the iron covered wall leaving a dent as he dropped down to the ground. His shirt was burned and his skin was scorched.
Yet, the fire bomber didn't stop and readied a huge chakra bomb, ready to obliterate the unconscious boy. Just as he threw the best bomb, a shout of "Wind style: great breakthrough" was heard and the bomb was pushed to the sky by a huge gust of wind. Getting into a rampage, another bomb formed in his hand, but before he could finish the bomb, a palm practically violently and painfully bitch slapped him to another wall.

Raiuko walked into the ring as Boruto continue to heal the injured boy while Mitsuki and Sarada held the raging boy back.
"Katsuki B. Aobakatsu! In violation of using the "Union bomb technique", you are disqualified! Shoto T. Aobakatsu wins!" The clansmen cheers angered the blonde further as he used sheer anger to get out of the genin's grip. He tried to do his previous attack again only to have the Jonin teacher of team seven smashed him to the ground.

Boruto stood in in front of the injured boy, protecting him from the attack, Byakugan activated. "You okay there Shoto?" He asked, assuming that was his name "Please call me Todoroki" he mumbled audibly.

'DAMMIT!! IT'S THE UZUMAKI F**KER! AND THE UCHIHA B**CH! THAT WHITE BRAT AND THEIR TEACHER ARE ANNOYING TOO! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?!?!' (5) Katsuki, usually called Bakugo cursed in his head, a vein mark comically appeared on his head.
"Thanks there!" Raiuko thanked the team. The team nod as the clan's medics took care if the injured, including Todoroki.

"Don't you get cocky, Uzumaki! Uchiha! I'll beat everyone in the village including your tomato ass!" Bakugo shouted.

There was only silence, like the clam before the storm.

Bakugo felt a shiver up his spine as the sky somehow turn dark and cloudy as a terrifying dark aura emited from the small form of Boruto Uzumaki.

"S**t" Konohamaru stepped back, knowing full well of what's gonna happen. He once accidentally called Naruto a tomato, he ain't gonna die twice.

Let's just say, Bakugo will have a hard time living for a few days.

"Thanks for your help, hay!"(6) she thanked them as they were ready to part at the compound gates.

"You have a tick too?!"


"We're tick buddies, oi!"

"We are, y'know!"

It suddenly changed from a parting goodbye to a budding moment of ninjas with ticks in their tongue.

"Well, that was drastic~snake!"

"Don't join them!"

"Whatever do you mean~snake?"


(1) Kaze : wind

(2) Raiu : thunderstorm

(3) Rakurai : lightning strike

(4) Chelyabinsk : according to google, largest object to ever hit earth

(5) just so you know, I've never curse that much.

(6) parody of my own (more like a habit) tick, I usually accidentally put "Hai"/"Hoi" when I'm shocked, questioning or confirming to something

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