Himawari's Entry!

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Another slight crossover, I ran out of appropriate OCs to put in this.

"Himawari! Don't forget your lunch, y'know!"

"Ok, Ni-Chan!"

"Are you sure you want to go to school alone?"

"Yup, Mama!"

"Hima-Chan, don't get in trouble, y'know!"

"I won't, Papa!"

It was chaos in the Uzumaki estate, the day the worrywart family finally let go of their little Sunflower as she goes to school.
She finished putting on her new out fit, an unzipped shortsleeved pale yellow hoodie, a dark gray shinobi outfit similar to her Hyuga training outfit and dark blue shinobi sandals. She grabbed her bag and her lunch before running at the door, giving her parents goodbyes kisses and left.

'Finally, from this point on, I will live as a Shinobi! Just like Papa, Mama and Ni-Chan!' the girl thought excitedly.
She ran through the crowd as some villagers greeted her, some calling out "morning, Himawari-Chan!" Or "morning, Uzumaki-Sama!". She usually just smiled at them, since just ignoring them seems rather impolite.

She feared her time was running out, so she leaped on a rooftop and start hoping from one to another. She arrived at the academy surprisingly 10 minutes before class even start "oh, I guess I got paranoid! Hehe!" She mumbled to herself. She land down on the dirt path as she entered the gates, seeing many children entering the huge building.

Later, she found herself standing in front of her classroom door as her teacher requested. Her teacher, a blue haired chunin teacher named Wendy Marvell, told her to wait for her signal before she entered the classroom.

"Now everyone, I want you to meet your new classmate!" Hearing her cue, Himawari entered the classroom. "Good morning! My name is Himawari Uzumaki! I wish we all can be friends!" She greet like a little sunshine she is.
"Yes, everyone in this school are your friend! So treat each other like equals and I wish to not hear any reports of ill feels among you!" The whole class nods, feeling satisfied, the bluenette told her to sit beside a green haired girl. She took her seat and try to make a conversation with her table-mate. "Hi, I'm Himawari, what's yours?" She asked politely, reaching out her hand for a handshake. The girl shake her hand and replied "My name is Asuka, it's nice to meet you, Himawari"

'wow, no one ever address me by my name without honorifics other than my family and Doraiba-san. They really do have a great sense of equality! Thank God!' Himawari thought in relieve. 'then again, Papa said I got accepted in the special class'

The special class was a new program Iruka created for students with special needs or traits. For example, Asuka specialized with the usage of guns, her aim was already amazing but she still couldn't control how much chakra she put in one shot. Himawari's case, at least as far as her eavesdropping mini-missions could dig out, was because in her grandfather's opinion, her Byakugan was stronger, much stronger than her brother's. Unfortunately she hasn't been able to control it very well and with her progressing training to master the right trigrams, her grandfather thought she should get an even more exclusive shinobi education.
She was quite surprised. For so long, she looked up to the redhead as her role model, at least in some traits.

She snapped out of her thoughts and took out a note book and a pencil, ready to write something as the class started.
"To start our lesson for today, I will give you a reminder. I was told by a very close friend of mine that Shinobi who disrespect their comrades are utterly unrecyclable trash that will burn in the flames if hell!!"
The sunflower swore her teacher's eyes were glowing red and flames were burning behind her. She shivered by the thought of whoever would've given someone such "wise" words.
Himawari turn to Asuka and asked "does she say that every time a class begins?" Asuka shook her head "no, she only remind us that everytime a new student came, she's really persistent with comradery"
The bluenette turn to the whole class "today, we're gonna study about basic element ninjutsus!"

The class found themselves in the training field with their teacher. "Himawari, since you are new, would you like to show us one ninjutsu?" Himawari walked up in the middle of her teacher and her classmates, she remembered a jutsu her brother asked Mitsuki to teach her, it was supposed to be just for protection, but so far it's the only wind jutsu she knows!

"Um, I only know one wind jutsu, um..here goes!" She formed some hand seals and took a deep breath "Wind release: Great Breakthrough!" A huge gust of wind blew from her mouth as the wind blew away some students. Wendy quickly grabbed her flying students and dodge a flying tree and rocks while doing so.

Seeing the results of her jutsu, she panicked while her classmates sweatdropped "Sorry, I sometimes couldn't control the amount if chakra I used when I'm nervous..."



Boruto passed the academy gates as he watch his sister's class exit the entrance gate. He noticed the mess in the training field and chuckled.
'Hima went overboard again'
He knows it's Himawari, who else could it be? Just because Himawari's a sweetheart doesn't mean she's not an overpowered beast. In a good way. I guess.

Himawari saw her brother and bid Asuka goodbye before running toward him "Ni-Chan! Ni-Chan! Guess what! Wendy-sensei was so impressed by my wind jutsu she told me to help my classmates!" Boruto pat her head as he let her climb onto his back for a piggy back ride home.
"Oh really? That's so cool, y'know!" He complemented as she hugged her brother tightly before he leaped to a roof and hop home.

I really had so much fun writing this, so I hope you liked it!

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