Part Six

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Anya found an icepack in the freezer and placed it on her cheek, sitting down on one of the barstools in the homey kitchen. Her mind kept replaying the argument with Cohen in her head over and over again and she sucked back the tears that threatened to make another appearance. She had always been a crier, even when she was younger. Her ‘father’ (she wasn’t sure if she could acknowledge him as one anymore) used to tell stories of how she wouldn’t necessarily cry easy, but when she did cry she didn’t stop for hours. It was like a never-ending flow of tears that just spilled out.

Just thinking about her family back home made her want to cry all over again, so Anya looked around for something to distract her. The kitchen was painted a warm butterscotch color with black tiles and marble countertops. It still smelt like the pancakes Isla had made for breakfast. Taking deep breaths of the heartwarming smell, she finally felt herself beginning to calm down. Her shoulders relaxed forward and she laid her head against the counter.

“Are you okay?” a timid voice asked. She turned to the side to see the small boy from before- Samuel- standing in the doorway. There was a shy smile on his face.

“Y-yeah,” Anya mumbled as a reply. He, surprisingly, managed to hear her and walked over with a frown.

“Are you sure?” Samuel pressed and sat down next to her.

“I just… Had another fight with Cohen. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, eh?”

An unreadable expression crossed his innocent face. “Did he hurt you? Why do you have an icepack against your cheek?” Anya was opening her mouth to make an excuse when the crazy knife girl with curly blonde hair walked in.

“Wow, nice gathering,” she commented sarcastically. “Did you get into a fight, little mouse?”


“I think that Cohen guy hit her,” Samuel cut in.

Knife Girl’s eyes darkened. “He hit a girl? That’s low. Not even I would to that if I had a dick.”

“When did I say that he hit me?” Anya asked impatiently. “I just fell over!”

“Fell over and got a hand-shaped bruise on your cheek?”

“Um… Yeah!” She hurried to put the icepack back on her cheek. She didn’t even realize that she had taken it off.

They both sent her an obvious ‘you’re lying’ look.

“I think Anya may be lying to us Ahrielle…”

“Yes… And I believe that that deserves punishment Sammy… Shall I get my knives?”

He rolled his eyes. “That won’t be necessary.”

“Are you sure?” Samuel leant over and whispered something in Knife Girl’s ear. An evil smile spread across her face.


Anya stood from her stool and started to edge backwards, trying to put as much room between them as possible. She was kicking herself for trusting delinquents, and for trying to help Cohen in the first place. If she had just kept to herself none of this would have ever happened.

But Kathleen would be here in your place.

Okay, she couldn’t deny the fact that her younger sister would die in an environment like this. In some ways she was glad that she was taking her place.

Then again, the whole situation pretty much sucked.

“NOW!” Samuel and Ahrielle- Knife Girl- shouted together suddenly. Anya jolted as they pounced on her and sent the three of them to the floor roughly.

The silence was soon interrupted by her loud laughter as they tickled her sides. She twisted and turned, trying to get out of their grip, while she giggled her head off.

“How does that feel, little mouse?” Ahrielle teased. “Are you ever going to lie to us again?”


“Do you promise?” Samuel sang.

“Yes! Yes, I promise! Never again!”

They stopped tickling her and leant back, massive smirks spread across their faces. Anya sat up and glared at them, running her hand through her messy hair.

“I hate you guys,” she announced.

“Ah, but we made you smile!”


Samuel just shook his head and pulled her up from the ground. “Come on. Let’s go to my room and have a good old fashioned talk.”

“With no Cohen allowed!” her other new friend cried over her shoulder. She was already heading towards one of the bedrooms.

Samuel’s room was painted a dark blue with black furniture. The three of them all settled on his bed and began discussing what their duties were on the farm.

“-And then I had to stick my fucking hand up the cows ass because it might have been pregnant! It was so disgusting! And in the end it wasn’t even pregnant anyway!” Ahrielle complained loudly to them, waving her hands around expressively.         

“That’s horrible!” Anya agreed, for once glad that she was stuck with the chickens. “What about you, Samuel? What did you get assigned to?”

“Um… Well…” he mumbled awkwardly. “You’ll be angry with me if I tell you.”

“Why would we be angry? It’s not like you got to choose.”

“Yeah, but…” Ahrielle rolled her eyes and went to push him further, but Anya stopped her.

“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to Samuel,” she said softly.


There was an awkward silence before Ahrielle, nosey as usual, asked the question that had been on the tip of her tongue from the moment she saw the bruise on the other girl’s cheek.

“So… What exactly happened with Cohen, Anya? Why did you fight?”

Anya hesitated for a second, before blurting everything out to them. It was like she couldn’t control herself and all the gory details spilled from her lips. She felt good after she finished- like a weight had been taken off of her shoulders. No wonder everyone said to talk about your problems.

 “Wait, this whole thing happened just because his basket broke?” Samuel asked incredulously. 


“That’s fucked up,” Ahrielle announced. “He’s really fucked up. Even more fucked up then me. You should stay away from him, little mouse.”

“I plan to. I’m not going to put myself in that kind of position ever again.” Samuel made a small sound and they both looked over to him with confused expressions on their faces.

“What is it, Sammy boy?”

“I feel kind of sick,” he mumbled.

“Why?” Anya asked.

“Because… I’m allergic to ducks and I’m in charge of taking care of the duck pond.”


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