Chapter Sixteen - Something Wicked This Way Comes

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It was October, and all around Everhill High School, students were buzzing with the announcement of a huge party coming our way in only a few weeks time. Big orange banners were hung everywhere, jack-o-lantern posters filled up the announcement boards all around the corridors.

Carrie hadn't even let me in on the Halloween party that was being held in the school's gymnasium. She usually told me all about these things as soon as they had been announced to the members of the activity club, but not this time. I had been left in the dark, until one Thursday morning in October where I had come to school and like everybody else and I had seen the announcement.

Walking through the front doors with Jace we both haltered slightly in our steps when we were met with a giant bright orange banner hanging from the ceiling across the entrance. 'Halloween Dance' it said, along with the party date, October 31st, which was a Saturday this year. Students milled about the corridor; several of them glanced up at the banner with smiles. I sneaked a glance at Jace and noticed he was sporting a playful smirk.

"Looking forward to Halloween this year?" I asked.

"You bet. There are a lot of girls here I can't wait to see in slutty costumes."

Ugh. I grimaced and playfully punched his arm before leaving him and his dirty thoughts. Trailing through the school towards the classroom, my mind was buzzing with ideas for a costume to wear for the dance. No way was I playing up to Jace and his sexual mind, so I was raking my brain for something clever to wear. Perhaps something to do with Geology, I thought to myself as I entered homeroom.

Carrie was already there with a huge smile on her face. I took a vacant seat next to her.

"Why didn't you tell me about the party?" I tried to sound upset, but it ended up sounding slightly distant; my head was still busy looking for costumes.

"I'm sorry Chlo. I wanted the banners to surprise you." She grinned at me. "So did it? Surprise you?"

I nodded, much to her glee. She clapped her hands, making the silver charm bracelet on her wrist rattle.

"Hi Chloe." A voice from the back had me turn in my seat and I smiled at Caleb siting in his usual seat in the corner. Before I could greet him back, he grabbed his things and moved up to the seat right behind me.

"Hi Caleb," I said, unable to fight the smile on my face.

"Caleb, are you planning on attending the Halloween dance?" Carrie asked, making me want to slap my hand across her mouth to keep her from blurting out something she shouldn't.

"I don't know yet. Costumes aren't really my thing." Of course it wasn't his thing. I had a hard time picturing Caleb I-Don't-Give-A-Crap Constantine dressed up in a matador costume. On second thought, now I sort of could. I bet he'd look really hot. My mind took me to a place where I was dancing with Caleb; him dressed as Robin Hood and I as Maid Marian. He had just dipped me low and was leaning towards me, my eyes fluttering close when an excruciating pain suddenly burst out in my arm.

"Ow!" I snapped back to reality to see Carries fingers wrapped around a portion of my upper arm.

"Why did you pinch me?" I asked as the blood started rushing to my face. Both Carrie and Caleb were staring at me like I had just, I don't know, done something really weird. I hadn't, had I?

"You seemed to be in your own little world again, Chlo." Carrie's smirk told me she knew where my mind had taken me. Damn her for knowing me so well.

"Well, I'm back in this world now, so you and your evil fingers can back off my skin." Her hand retreated onto her own desk.

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