What's Love Got To Do With Marriage Counseling

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What's Love Got To Do With Marriage Counseling

Dr. Stefan Bailey

 Stefan Bailey

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2 years ago

Glaring, they sat across from each other in the stuffy office. 

Tristan combed his fingers through his hair. It was getting long again but he thought he'd let it grow out this time. She liked it long, he'd keep it long if only to please her for once. 

Max glared at the space above her husband's head. She couldn't bear to stare into those deep blue eyes. And she'd be damned if she were to be the first one to crack. This marriage counselor thing was his idea. She, for one, thought they were fine. Of course they had their occasional spats but what couple didn't. 

The counselor, Stefan, glanced between the spouses with growing confusion and concern. 

"Guys, this is our what? Third session? And all you two do is sit there and glare at each other. Don't get me wrong, it's your money and I get paid either way but are you sure there isn't anything that you need to work out?" He uncrossed his legs and set his tablet on top. 

Max started, "Dr. Steve-"

"Stefan," Tristan cut her off, this being the first time he had spoken to her in days. 

"What?" She arched a plucked eyebrow.

"Stefan. His name is Dr. Stefan Bailey. We've seen this man 3 times, you should know his name," he chided. 

She rolled her whiskey eyes at her husband. "Well Dr. Stefan, we wouldn't be here in the first place if my husband didn't drag us here. So you're not the only one whose time is being wasted," she spat. 

"Excuse me, Dr. Stefan, but I wouldn't have had to drag us here if my wife learned to communicate with me. Since we obviously couldn't work this out in the privacy of our own home, we have to do it in front of a trained professional. So you can thank yourself for that Maxine." 

"Oh so we're using government names now? Low blow, Tristan. And for the record I do communicate with you!" 

"Yeah, when you deem it necessary. So basically never! When you have a long day at work I wanna know why it was so long but you never wanna talk about it. If you tried a new coffee at Starbucks I wanna know about it. I want to know about the little things but most importantly the big things. You never talk to me anymore. Makes me wonder if you're stepping out on me, Max."

Max scoffed with utter disgust. "You fucking dick. Who could I possibly cheat on you with?" 

Tristan clapped his hands and gave her a blank stare. "Oh I don't fucking know. Your partner perhaps? You spend more time with that guy than you do with me. Remember when you got shot 6 months ago? They didn't call me until you had been in the hospital for 3 hours but yet when I get there you and that English fucker are chummin' it up."

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