10 | : The Amusement Park

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When the youngest and oldest brothers made it to the van they saw me and went to greet me but I quickly pressed my fingers to my lips.
"Oh my God Remington Leaf from Palace Royals! I love you!" I squealed in a voice so high I winced a little bit myself.
Instantly the middle brother spun around startled but gaped when he saw it was just me.
"Rosey! Thank fucking God! There was no way I was gonna be able to hide this from you!" He cheered running over and twirling me around.
I laughed as he set me down and smacked his shoulder.
"I wouldn't have been able to either so don't feel bad!" I smiled.
"Alright people we gotta stay on schedule everyone in the van. We've got your bags for you"
Remington and I rolled our suitcases next to everyone else's.
Everyone got in the car and I realized all the seats were taken.
"Wait? What about me?" I tilted my head.
"You can sit on Remington's lap!" My brother smirked and instantly everyone else agreed while Rem sat in the back silently with a beet red face.
"Is that okay with you?" I hesitated.
"Yeah sure" he shrugged embarrassed with the situation.
Remington was in the way back, farthest from the door so I had to slide past Otto and Daniel, holding the bottom of my skirt to make sure I didn't flash anyone my underwear.
With a deep blush I sat down on Remington's lap, avoiding everyone's eyes who were on us.
"It's a 3 hour drive so get comfy!" The driver called before started the car and pulling out on to the street.
Rem opened his legs wider so I could sit inbetween them and then he seatbelted us in.
He placed with hands on his legs clearly not sure if I was comfortable with him touching me.
I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back in to him and placed his hands on my legs.
He took it as an okay and messed with the hem of my skirt with one hand while holding his phone with the other.
I looked at my phone before I was hit with a wave of exhaustion.
Letting out a small yawn I rubbed my eyes slightly.
"You can take a nap if you want" Rem leaned down and whispered into my ear.
"Are you sure?" I asked him.
"Yeah of course" he nodded.
"Okay" I smiled before cuddling into him slightly resting my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.


Opening my eyes I saw my brother turned in his seat trying to help Remington wake me up.
Looking out the window I saw we were at the amusement park.
I gaped and jumped out of the van excitedly.
"Woah!" My eyes widened.
Suddenly my brother threw me on his back and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck screaming as he had startled me.
He stopped infront of where all the camera guys and producers were.
"Okay So your all gonna get grouped in to couples of twos!"
I quickly hopped off of Awsten's back.
My heel wobbled slightly and an arm quickly wrapped around my back under my shoulders quickly steadying me.
My eyes widened and I glanced up seeing it was Remington.
I blushed.
He smirked.
"No problem"
"Hello? Guys?"
We both looked up seeing everyone was looking at us.
"Huh? Oh sorry!" I smiled sheepishly as the 5 other guys smirked at me and Remington.
"I said you guys are paired together. Whoever gets through the most rides wins! Go!"
My eyes widened as my brother run off with Emerson, Daniel with Geoff and Sebastian with Otto. A camera man following each pair, one staying behind with us. I sent him a confused look.
"Wait what?"
"Oh crap!" Remington quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into to park.
I gasped as my eyes marveled all over park.
"What should we ride first?" Remington smiled at me.
I blushed and turned my head looking around when I saw the tilt a whirl and grinned quickly dragged Remington towards it.

I blushed and turned my head looking around when I saw the tilt a whirl and grinned quickly dragged Remington towards it

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