01 | : Sibling Love

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"Are you being for fucking real Awsten?!"
"No I'm being for fucking fake" Awsten shot back sarcastically.
"No I'm being for fucking fake" I mocked him in a squeaky voice.
He made a face and began making a squeaky voice back.
"Guys! Shut up!" Ottos voice yelled from the bunks.
I rolled my eyes and sat in the couch with my arms crossed glaring at my twin brother who smirked at me triumphantly as he headed back to the bunks.
"What are you guys fighting about now?" Geoff groaned tiredly coming out from bunks.
"I called the shower and that dumbass put his stuff in their before I could" I huffed.
"We have 3 hours until we have the class thing with the fans you have time to get ready still" Geoff shrugged.
I sighed.
I glanced at the clock and saw it was 7 am.
Putting slightly I went to grab a bagel when I saw my blueberry bagels were gone.
I felt my eye twitch slightly and anger rose in my stomach.
In a instant a blur of blue rushed past me out the door.
I instantly chased after him not caring I was barefoot.
"Your family is my family!!" Awsten screamed.
"Just you then!" I exclaimed rushing through the crowd of band members that had formed from all of the commotion.
Eventually my small legs couldn't keep up with him and I groaned.
"Fine! I'm eating your last waffle motherfucker!" I quickly changed course back to the bus.
"You wouldn't!" I heard Awsten scream from far away.
"Watch me bitch!" I laughed evily rushing up the bus steps when my foot slipped and I bashed my knee into the top step.
"Ah! Fucking shit! Ow!" I cursed but stopped as I heard a chorus of chuckles.
Glancing behind me I saw a bunch of bands staring at me.
My eyes widened and I felt myself blush but a blur of blue getting closer made me scream and quickly get in the bus and locked the door behind me.
"Rosalie Maye Knight you let me on this bus right now!" I heard Awsten scream banging on the door.
I opened the window by the door that was too tall for him to get in and laughed.
"No bitch!" I stuck my head out the window.
"What the hell is going on?" Otto asked sticking his head out the window beside mine.
"He stole my last blueberry bagle!" I sent my brother an accusing glare.
"Dude not cool!" Geoff shoved his head in the other side of the window.
"Guys! Seriously. Bros before hoes remember!" Awsten complained.
Both the boys with me covered my ears.
"Don't call your little sister a hoe!" I heard Otto gasp.
I rolled my eyes and shoved their hands off my ears.
"Hey! Screw off he's 5 minutes older. His fat head got stuck!" I glared at my brother ignoring the chorus of laughs that erupted from outside.
Suddenly Awsten ran to the back of the bus.
"Is the back window open?!" I looked at Geoff.
"Run!" He ushered me towards the door when a loud thud came from the back.
"We'll hold him off as long as we can!" Otto screamed dramatically.
I quickly grabbed Awstens last waffle from the freezer I rushed to the bus door and stumbled out.
My eyes scanned the area and I rushed to a large puddle.
Awsten rushed out and I held my hand out telling him to not any closer.
"Don't take one more step. Otherwise shes dead!" I exclaimed.
"Please! Don't I'll do anything! I'll give you my first born!" He got on knees.
I lifted a finger to my mouth pretending to contemplate his offer.
"I'll buy you three more bags of blueberry waffles!" He blurted as I pretended to drop the waffle.
"Pinky promise?" I held my pinky out.
He rolled his eyes before twisting my pinky with mine.
I smiled triumphantly and handed him his waffle.
"Well you caused quite the scene"
I turned my head and saw my best friend Ash smirking at me.
"Ash!!" I lunged at the taller girl wrapping my arms tightly around her.
She laughed and as her red and black hair splayed over her shoulders.
"I'm having trouble with my bass player he isn't feeling good can you help me do soundcheck?" She asked hopefully.
I jumped on her back.
"To soundcheck!" I declared and she began running to their stage.
"Wait I'm in pajamas!" I exclaimed.
Ash laughed and turned around running to the bus.
"Back to the bus cause I'm in pajamas!!"
I rushed back inside and put some clothes on.

"Back to the bus cause I'm in pajamas!!"I rushed back inside and put some clothes on

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