08 | : Out of Place

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"What are you doing here?" Andy gaped in shock.
I hesitated and backed up, taking one look at his diluted eyes I could tell he was drinker than I had ever seen him.
"Uhm.. I- er uh you know what just forget about it. Never mind I should go.."
I turned around my heart damn near flying out of my chest.
I went to take a step when I arm was yanked back, a long warm hand on my elbow.
"Wait! No please! We need to talk" he exclaimed.
"No this was a mistake I can't do this right now. I'm still a bit drunk. You look totally trashed. I have nothing to talk to you about" I frowned trying to yank away from Andy but his grip tightened to an extremely painful hold.
"Ow. What the fuck is wrong with you Andy. Let me the fuck go" My eyes widened and panic quickly set in.
"God I fucking missed you" he eyes twinkled with such a mischief that made a chill go down my spine.
Instantly my mind went into fight or flee.
I quickly twisted my wrist out of his grasp only to stumble backwards on to my ass causing Andy to let out a chilling laugh.
"You were always so innocent weren't you. Were always too scared to even have sex with me until our wedding night. That's why I left you know. Juliet wasnt scared to give me what I wanted" he smirked slightly taking slow menacing steps towards me.
I choked on a small sob, trying to ignore his words knowing he was drunk and wiped tears away from my face.
"Leave me alone. I think you've done enough" I hissed forcing myself back to my feet.
"I'm just getting started" Andy smirked before slamming my back into the side of his tour bus.
I let out a small scream and he quickly covered my mouth.
I tried pushing him away before I kneed him in the dick.
He let out a groan but he didn't loosen his grasp but instead smashed my head into the bus causing another scream escape my mouth into his hand as more tears rushed to my eyes. My concussion quickly reminding me of its presence.
Andy pinned my hands behind me and slammed his lips onto mine causing me to cry out into his mouth and he slammed his hand down on my throat and I gasped and choked.
"You like that whore?"
My eyes widened in horror and I quickly brought my hand up to his, scratching and pulling at it to get him to let go of me.
"A....And..y.. P-pl-ease" I gasped and chocked out, my vision beginning to fade in and out.
All of a sudden his eyes widened, like he was beginning to sober up.
"What the fuck?! Get the fuck off her!"
Instantly Andy was ripped off of me and I fell towards the ground but was quickly caught in someone else's arms.
I flinched away from them as tears rushed from my eyes down my face as I trembled violently.
"Hey, hey it's okay sis. Just hold on" A soothing voice whispered into my ear and my head shot up and my chest tightened with relief as I realized it was my brother.
I quickly lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his waist and broke out into a fit of sobs.
"You fucking prick! What the hell is your problem?! Don't you ever touch Rose again or I'll rip your fucking throat out!" Remington's voice growled violently as I heard struggling and skin smacking skin.
My eyes widened and I lifted my head up and turned slightly and gasped as Andy laid on the ground unconscious his face decorated with small cuts and dark bruises and Remington stood over him with a bloody fist.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach as my eyes moved from Remington and then Andy and back several times.
Finally my eyes stopped completely on Remington and his brown eyes met my hazel ones.
I must have had a horrified expression because in an instant I saw something in his eyes crack.
His eyes widened and he looked at Andy's bloody face and then down at his fist.
"Shit" he let out a shaky breath before stumbling back and falling back on his ass.
Soon his own tears ran down his face along with the drops of rain that had continued to fall from the sky.
I hesitated before slowly pulling out of Awsten's arms and walked softly and slowly towards Remington.
I could tell he heard me but he kept his eyes fixated on the ground clearly distraught with what he had just done.
I took one last step before I was directly infront of him and I dropped to my knees infront of him, the legs of my jeans becoming wet and muddy.
Remington's head slowly lifted and his eyes met mine once again.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that, I didn't mean it. You're not needy, not at all. And you're not a bitch I'm just-"
"I know" I smiled softly interrupting him.
We sat in silence for a moment. The only sound being our own heavy breathing and the pitter patter of the rain.
I lunged forward into Remington's arms and his instantly wrapped around me.
I felt the rain begin to hit harder.
I flinched and lifted my head, squinting my eyes to see Remington through the rain.
He face softened and he relaxed as the rain ran through our hair.
"That was my ex" he spoke suddenly.
"The girl you saw my kissing. It was my ex"
I felt my face fall slightly but forced a sad smile.
"Oh. Okay, you don't have to tell me. It's none of my business" I quickly added.
"Actually it is"
I shot him a confused look and he sat up more.
"It's your business because I want it to be. I know we just met a few days ago but your fucking awesome. Your gorgeous and.. I really like you Rosie"
My eyes widened.
"Wait... you like me?"
"So fucking much" he admitted.
"What the hell happened?! Oh my God Andy!"
I whiped around and narrowed my eyes as they landed on the small figure of my old friend Juliet.
"Your boyfriend's a fucking psycho that's what happened" I hissed standing up.
She whipped her head around and when her eyes met mine they widened.
"Your lucky I'm not going to press charges" I glared at her.
"You couldn't if you wanted to! Look at him. The blood is on his hands, not Andy's" She snarled back.
I felt my chest rise with anger and took a threatening step forward but Remington quickly stood up and grabbed my hand in his..
He hissed slightly in pain as his busted knuckles bent but he didn't retract his hand.
"Don't you fucking dare try and turn this on them. Look up bitch" Awsten stepped up beside me angrily.
We all looked up and coming off of the street lamp above us was a small little camera with the red recording light on pointed right at us.
Suddenly I was shoved.
"Hey!" My brother yelled and I looked up startled at Juliet not expecting her to put hands on me.
She brought her hand back to slap me but I quickly caught her wrist and twisted it behind her back and kicked the back of her knees sending her sprawling to the ground.
"Try me bitch" I growled.
"Hey! Rosie stop! Let's just get off of here!" Awsten quickly jumped in front of me.
I hesitated slightly but when Remington squeezed my hand reassuringly I nodded and let him lead us back to the bus.
When we got to the Waterparks bus, Remington let go of my hand but I spun around and grabbed it again.
"No, I need to clean your knuckles and we need to talk" I demanded.
He smiled slightly and nodded before letting me pull him into the bus.
Walking in I saw all of the lights were on but the boys were no where to be seen.
"They must be looking for us. I'll go find them" Awsten sighed before turning back around and put the door closing it tight behind him.
I quickly led Remington to the bathroom.
The bathroom was warmer so I shrugged my jacket off. I motioned for Remington to sit down on the small marble counter. He remained quiet and it was slightly worrying but I didn't comment as I grabbed a damp wash cloth and a antiseptic wipe
Slowly, I picked up one of his bruised hands. The knuckles seemed to have been split open over and over again. They were bleeding.
"This might sting." I told him as I picked up the antiseptic wipe. His pupils were enlarged as he watched me clean his hands. I scooted forward to get a better grip to get into all the areas. Which meant I was awkwardly stood between his legs. His hot breath fanned my neck. I could see the mud littering his face, curving over the bridge of his nose and over his cheeks. A earthy smell of both fresh mint and pine wafted from him, it smelt surprisingly good. Really good in fact. I dabbed the cuts and he didn't wince once. I opened his palm completely so it was resting on top of my rather small hand. I wiped the anti-septic wipe over it and removed the dirt. Stupidly I glanced at him, he just sat and watched me. His gaze was so intense.
I dropped his hand but he used it to twirl a piece of my hair. It surprised me but I liked it when people played with my hair: which wasn't often at all, in fact never so I let him continue.
As I cleaned his other hand he finally spoke up.
"There's blood all over your hands from when I grabbed them" he frowned taking my hands in his and turning them over to see all the blood.
My eyes widened as I hadn't realized there was blood on them.
I just started at my hands in shock.
"Rosie?.... Hey...Rosie??" Remington's voice began to get frantic.
I quickly snapped my head up and shook my head to shake myself out of the daze.
"Hm? Uh I'm fine" I muttered shakily before quickly wiping my hands off on my jeans violently.
"Who did it?"
I glanced up and saw Remington had a knowing expression.
"Who tried to kill themselves"
My eyes widened and I jerked up.
"What are you talking about?"
"I know that look. My brothers wear it a lot"
I furrowed my eyebrows before I realized what he was getting at.
I quickly reached up his arm and lifted his sleeve slightly and let my eyes scan his wrist. Visibly there were not cuts or scabs but I knew better than that.
I moved my fingers up and down his wrist and felt my heart drop as I felt various thin lifts on his arm.
"Rem..." I looked up at him shocked and he just gave me a sad smile.
"They're there but they aren't quite as recent as yours" he spoke lazily catching my wrist letting my sleeve drop.
My eyes widened and instinctively i jerked my arm away.
"H-How did you.."
"The night you brought my brothers and I back to the bus. You rolled up your sleeves to help me and I might have been drunk but it was burned in my memory" He explained watching my wrist fall to the side.
"Why did you?" He asked suddenly.
I instantly felt sick to my stomach.
"Uhm I'd rather not talk about it right now..."
"My dad left when I was young he said I was a disappointment cause I'd rather stay in the house and play dress up instead of work outside like a real man. God do I hate that man. But I always thought it was my fault he left. That I was the reason my brothers no longer had a father. But one day I realized that I was wrong and my brothers and I were better off without him and we'll god damnit we are. What we've done here with this band, we did all of it without him" Remington's voice went sour and I just watched him in awe.
I couldnt help it anymore, I moved my head closer to his and he froze.
I slowly leaned in, so my foreheads rester against his. We both closed our eyes. Both of our breaths shaking. "Thank you," I say in barely more than a whisper.
"For what?" Remington replied, his voice low and husky.
"For being you." My voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between us.
I gently leaned in and kissed Remington's warms lips. We puller apart and took shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain ourselves anymore, Remington held my face in his hands and pulled me into a fiery and passionate kiss. I slowly worked my hands around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.
Remington's hands venture over my body, exploring. We hesitantly pulled apart and open our eyes. We stared at each other, deep into each other's eyes. Remington's eyes were full of curiosity and passion. We couldn't speak words but a story worthy of them is communicated.

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