05 | : Insomnia

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A couple days later I was still on bed rest and sat alone in my bunk watching random youtube videos doing everything and anything to cure my boredom.
I sighed feeling lonely as I watched TV because I couldnt fall asleep.
Picking up my phone I went to the Rosey's Cult, that had Waterparks and Palaye Royale in it.

Anyone awake? - RoseyKn

No asshole go to sleep- AwstenKn

Buzz off loser- RoseyKn

I am but I'm definitely trunk - Sebby

Nice Seb- RoseyKn

I'm up what's up?- Remi

Can't sleep wanna watch scary videos with me? - RoseyKn

Sure let me in- Remi

Wait you're already here???- RoseyKn

Yup I have no shirt on and it's cold please open the doorrrr - Remi

I smiled down at my phone before hoping out of my bunk and quietly crept out into the living area and unlocked the door flinching as the cold air hit my bare legs.
"Finally!" Remmington teased brushing past me into the bus.
I laughed and closed the door and locked it.
I smiled and hugged him.
He hugged me back but I pulled away.
"Oh my god! You're fucking freezing!" I yelped.
"I told you I was cold!" He laughed.
"If she starts to get annoying and you wanna sleep run your fingers through her hair!" My brother yelled from his spot on the couch.
I rolled my eyes before grabbing Remington's hand and leading him into the bunks.
I carefuly climbed in first and got under the blanket and held it out for Remington who smirked at me before sliding in my bunk with ease and under the blanket.
He closed the curtain and I pressed play on the YouTube video I was watching.
Because of the small size of my bunk we had no choice but to cuddle, my head was on his shoulder, our legs were tangled, and his arm was underneath my back.
"Okay that is so easy to fake!" Remington scoffed his free arm slapping his leg.
I laughed nodding in agreement as chills replayed the clip.
"Sorry you had take me to the emergency room the other day I'm a fucking klutz" I sighed softly.
"Hm? Oh no don't worry about it. I was happy to. To be honest I was freaking the fuck out" he explained.
"Me too but I was also the one gushing fucking blood" I laughed softly.
He rolled his eyes at me and elbowed me teasingly.
"You're such a fucking dork"
"No, I'm not" I gaped at in mock offense.
"You totally are" he smirked.
I narrowed my eyes at him and rolled over so I was straddling him.
He gasped startled by my sudden movement.
I instantly began to tickle him and he let a small yell before wrestling my hands away and next thing I knew we were play wrestling.
"Tap out Rosey" he teased putting me in a headlock.
"Nevveerr!" I yelled elbowing him the stomach before tackling him on to my bunk putting my knees of his shoulders.
"1, 2, 3! Knockout!! And the crowd goes wild! Rosey Rosey!" I pretended to make sounds of a crowd.
"Fuck off you cheated" Remington shook his head with a grin on his face.
"Yeah whatever you're just a sore loser" I rolled my eyes sending him a before laying on his chest letting out a small yawn.
"God I'm fucking tired" I hummed softly into his warm tshirt.
"Then go to sleep your dork" Rem laughed.
"I don't wanna" I tried to stay awake but suddenly Remington's long fingers began to brush through my pink and brown locks of hair.
"You suck" I hummed slowly following asleep.
"I did not think that would actually work" He admitted.
"My dad used to do it every night ever since he passed I get so calm that I fall asleep" I explained quietly.
"You sound like you were really close to you dad" Rem smiled.
"When I was a little girl. But then when my grandfather died, it's like a switch flipped in him. He became mean. Really fucking mean" I frowned deeply.
"What do you mean? Like abusive?"
"Verbally, physically, or mentally it depended on how much he drank that day" I sighed.
"My dad was too.. then he ditched us. Decided he didn't need us now he's probably off somewhere with a new family. You and I are scary similar you know that?" Remington hummed still running his hands through my hair.
"I should probably leave" Rem announced.
But I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly.
"Dont leave me. Everyone leaves" I spoke half awake and for once in my life, someone didnt leave.

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