Home Away From Home

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"Home sweet home!" Zed and Eugen chuckle as everyone finds themselves in the home of the Ironblood.

"This place is actually pretty nice." Enterprise says.

"Any compliment from the grey ghost herself is something worth noting." Bismarck chuckles. "How have the people back at your homecountry reacted?"

"They were appropriately shocked and support us being with you guys." Yorktown replies. "Knowing the circumstances, they probably aren't expecting us to come back for a while."

"And there's no way that we're ever going back." Hood says. "Not after what they did to Jack."

"Considering we were already allies before this whole incident happened they're just as accepting of you guys. Can we even call ourselves the crimson axis anymore?" Zuikaku asks.

"I don't even know, but what matters is we are beginning to unite as one against one threat." Bismarck replies. "I remember all of the warring that we did before we got wind of Jack's endeavors. That whole visit that we planned out Georgie? That was our way of proposing a treaty between the Azur Lane and the Crimson Axis."

"If that was your plan, then it's succeeded in so many ways." Georgie chuckles. "You became a commander in your own right when Jack had fallen. Had it not been for you we probably would have gone back to how it was before."

"We appreciate that." Tirpitz chuckles. "It feels good to see all of us coming together as one."

"If you'd like, you can come visit the Sakura Empire and enjoy some of the stuff there." Shoukaku says.

"We would be honored." Enterprise replies.

"Well I guess I can make at least something official." Bismarck says as she looks at Enterprise and Yorktown. "Zuikaku, Shoukaku, we were already allies before this, but I just want to reaffirm it as well..." She begins. "Enterprise, Yorktown, as a commander I officially consider you part of the fleet, just like Jack did for us before."

"Thank you." Enterprise says as she and Bismarck shake hands. "I hope that together all four nations can rise as one against the Sirens and whatever the Royal Navy tries to throw at us."

"We can already see it coming." Bismarck says as the group looks out into the boundless ocean, ready for anything that the Sirens may throw at them.

The End

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