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Before the girls can do anything though they see Jack zoom off yet again, and they turn around to see another group of Sirens. This time the girls watch carefully as they analyze Jack and his battle tactics- he moves around tauntingly, goading ships to fire upon him, and he dodges just before the shell actually hits.

"That would explain the wounds he's been receiving..." Hood mumbles as she continues to watch. As soon as Jack has dodged the shell he fires off a salvo and his shells do unspeakable amounts of damage to the Siren ship on the receiving end of it, punching holes much larger than any normal battleship shell could. He repeats this process until the fleet is reduced to nothing but scrap metal, and once he's sure that there are no other nearby fleets he returns to the docks.

"This version of Jack is absolutely reckless!" Zuikaku says. "Was he always like this?"

"He was always more careful, but still cold and calculating." Wales says. "You should have seen how good his swordsmanship was."

"He's definitely more on the defensive side, this is something that he wouldn't dare do." Hood says. "We have to get more information on this whole thing that our higher ups are hiding from us."

"But how do we do that?" Eugen asks.

"We find a Siren fleet and allow one of us to take a hit. If we get taken in for repairs we're bound to see something." Hood replies.

"And who do you suppose will get hit?" Zed asks, bringing all attention to her. "Oh come on!"

"Now all we have to do is find one before Jack does, and we know how quickly he can detect fleets, even beyond what we can see." Wales says. "And that... Is going to be hard."

"Oh wait, there's a fleet right there." Eugen says. "But it's barely got any guns on it."

"Don't they use the same ammunition as we do?" Zuikaku asks. "And Jack isn't out here yet. It must mean this fleet is past his search radius."

"Well, we better take advantage and get to this fleet before Jack notices it. If Zed doesn't take a hit, I guess I'll shoot her once to at least get her admitted for repairs." Eugen chuckles.

"Not helping." Zed mumbles as she engages the Siren fleet. She quickly destroys the fleet before they can reach Jack's search radius but she has not taken a single hit from them. "They didn't even put up a fight!"

"It was only five ships, what were you expecting them to do?" Enterprise chuckles. "They've only got what look like destroyers. We have carriers, battleships, cruisers and you, a destroyer. They're completely outmatched."

"I keep my word." Eugen chuckles as she carefully aims at Zed.

"Make it quick!" Zed whines.

"Alright, I'm not trying to get you retired, I just need to make this shot bad enough that you need repairs." Eugen says. "Calm down."

"Calm down?! You're pointing your gun at me! How can I calm down in THIS situation?!" Zed continues to complain.

"Then just turn around." Eugen giggles. "Don't look at it and before you know it, it'll be over."

"You really sound like a doctor trying to give a kid a shot." Zed mumbles. "I mean this is for the greater good but still how am I going to-OWWWW!" Zed suddenly screams as Eugen shoots her in the knee. "OF ALL PLACES WHY THERE?! OUCH!!!" She continues to yell as she holds her shot knee in agony.

"Let me carry you." Bismarck chuckles as she picks up Zed bridal style before everyone heads back to the docks. "Try to get as much info as you can."

"I'll try... Amongst this unbearable pain..." Zed mumbles.

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