Crash And Burn

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"That's... Very cryptic." Eugen says as she looks at Jack, who has not moved a single inch.

"Let me get this straight, not even the higher ups are willing to say much?" Bismarck asks. "Then let me go and ask them, maybe they'll respond to the commander better."

"No, I don't think that's going to work either." Georgie replies. "They won't tell ANYONE, not even you as the commander."

"But what did they tell you?" Hood asks. "Anything that they said will do."

"They mentioned something to do with the wisdom cubes and the mechanics that make our human emotions tick." Georgie explains.

"Wait... Our human emotions?" Wales asks. "I mean we are already human looking enough, are they intending to make a complete merge or something?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Georgie replies. "But what I do know is that they must have overheard us. Remember how Bismarck had this plan to bring Jack back, but then we abandoned it because we thought it wouldn't be fair? I think the higher ups got wind of it and went right on ahead against our wishes."

"I know this might sound crazy but what if we were to derive a wisdom cube from his information, and use his flagship to revive him, just like he revived you guys!" Were the exact words that Bismarck had said five months ago.

"Now I'm not saying you're the one to blame Bismarck, in no way are we blaming you; I think we were all hoping it would work before I spoke up, but I'm pretty sure they must known something about it." Georgie explains.

"But why would they want to bring him back? He's done his job as a commander, and he should at least be able to rest in peace." Zed says.

"That's what I'm wondering as well." Enterprise says.

"What they're doing seems... Dangerous almost." Shoukaku says, musing to herself and putting a finger on her mouth.

"What do you mean?" Yorktown asks.

"The Sakura Empire is very superstitious, especially when it comes to dealing with the dead." Zuikaku replies. "I'm afraid that Jack being revived is going to become some sort of bad omen. The dead are supposed to stay dead."

"I see where you're coming from." Enterprise says. "I've watched enough kaiju movies to know where this might be going."

"Enty!" Yorktown snaps.

"It's alright." Zuikaku and Shoukaku chuckle. "Those ARE good movies though."

"So what are we getting at here?" Hood asks.

"Although his body may not be touched, his spirit may have been disturbed thanks to this." Zuikaku explains. "And if it comes down to it, his spirit may become attached."

"To him..." Enterprise says, looking at Jack, and then the plaque.

"Nothing good comes out of dying at sea, and that's what I'm worried about." Shoukaku says.

"Well, we can only hope for the best." Yorktown says before they notice that Jack has brought out his battleship guns.

"What is it?" Bismarck asks, but she gets no response as Jack takes to the water and zooms off. "Whatever it is, sounds like trouble. Let's see what it is."

"Right." Hood says as the shipgirls join Jack as he continues to zoom off, and eventually they see what Jack had been going after- a small fleet of Siren ships. They aren't even that well armed, and Jack utterly annihilates them with coldly calculated barrages from his guns.

"We didn't even have to do anything and he's already destroyed them!" Eugen says in disbelief. "None of us even KNEW there was a Siren fleet out here but he's already gone and sunk it, like he's on some sort of search-and-destroy module or something like that!" And once Jack sees that there are no Siren ships left he returns to the docks, leaving the shipgirls absolutely stupefied.

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