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The shipgirls quickly moved out to engage the source of the buzz bomb and they encountered a large Siren fleet with carriers.

"Let's show these guys who's boss!" Hood shouts as she and the other battleships let loose with their cannons while the carriers send out their planes, using some of them to intercept the buzz bombs that are being sent out by the carriers.

"Looks like they're really going for it! They're trying to attack the base!" Zuikaku says as one of her planes destroys a buzz bomb.

"I shouldn't be surprised honestly." Enterprise says as she fires one of her planes at another buzz bomb. "They've realized just how much of a threat Jack is and they're trying every solution they might have."

"And just how much of a threat we are too." Wales says as she fires her cannons at a carrier, punching a hole and annihilating the carrier's bridge.

"That'll put a dent in their air support!" Zed chuckles as she takes down the destroyers guarding the carriers and heavier ships. "These guys are no match for us!"

"Looks like their armor is a lot lighter than normal." Eugen says as she punches a hole through a battleship's hull, allowing water to flow in and claim the Siren ship as it's own. "Did they sacrifice it?"

"It would seem like they used it for the buzz bombs because there's no sign of them running out of those little doodlebugs!" Enterprise says as she destroys yet another one of the flying bombs.

"This is starting to get annoying!" Yorktown says as she and Shoukaku destroy the last carrier, stopping the buzz bombs from being launched. Eventually the girls sink the last of the Siren fleet and head back to the docks relatively unscathed.

"That was almost TOO easy." Bismarck says. "Don't you think so too sis?"

"I would like to think that too." Tirpitz replies. "Or that could have been a test fleet, testing out the bombs. For now let's just rest up and be prepared in case they come back with more." That's when Tirtpiz's stomach begins rumbling.

"And fuel up as well. We haven't eaten in a little bit." Enterprise says.

"What do you guys have?" Tirpitz asks.

"We've got stuff down at the local tavern that I think you'll like." Wales replies as everyone heads to the local tavern.

"The stuff there is something you'd kill for." Enterprise and Yorktown chuckle.

"I'll take your word for it." Tirpitz chuckles.

"Believe me." Bismarck says as the group finds a spot to sit and orders another full course. Considering the newest addition to the group the full course is even bigger than normal, with the effigy resembling a super dreadnought.

"Well, it was a good thing I believed you! This looks absolutely delicious, I don't even know where to start with this thing..." Tirpitz says, taken aback by the size of the full course. She's too stunned to notice that the others have already started eating away at the super dreadnought effigy, picking off the various turrets or cutting into the hull of the effigy, and Tirpitz quickly joins in, breaking off one of the effigy's conning towers before biting into it. "Oh my gosh... This is too good..."

"Dip it into the oil and it'll taste like something truly out of this world." Hood chuckles, and Tirpitz does so. Bismarck giggles as she sees her sister's eyes light up upon popping the rest of it into her mouth.

"Would Jack eat this with you guys?" Tirpitz asks.

"He would always get some of the royal gourmet." Zed says.

"What was it... Fish soup?" Wales asks, trying to remember what he ordered that one time. "But yeah he didn't really eat the same food we did."

"The most he would share were crumpets." Hood says. "I just hope that this Jack is doing okay though. He took quite the beating."

"Knowing Jack before, and knowing this Jack now, I'm pretty sure he'll be just fine. All they gotta do is patch him up and before we know it he'll be out, ready to battle once more." Georgie says.

Azur Lane: Dead Men Never LieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon