Chapter Twenty Three

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The park's only a little ways down this road, and honestly Percy could have just texted Y/N the last of the directions, but it's kind of nice to have Y/N following his lead rather than the other way around for a change

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The park's only a little ways down this road, and honestly Percy could have just texted Y/N the last of the directions, but it's kind of nice to have Y/N following his lead rather than the other way around for a change.

He picks a parking spot that's as close as possible to the cool slide, and Y/N parks two spots over. "You're taking up, like, three spaces," Y/N informs him, once they've both stepped out of their cars.

Percy glances at his poor parking and shrugs. It's not like there aren't a few dozen other spots to choose from. "The park!" he proclaims, holding up a hand like he's Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune. He even pastes a smile on his face for good measure.

Y/N brushes by him, patting his ribcage as she goes. Percy's smile settles, falling into something more real and enamored, and he follows Y/N as she loops around the park, taking it all in. "I have to admit," she starts, "I expected this park to be a lot more special, the way you talked it up."

"It's totally special," Percy defends, pointing at the slide. "Sick slide. Curvy monkey bars. Weird pointless dinosaur thing. Weird pointless cone-shaped thing."

Y/N laughs at his poor attempts at selling the park, and Percy laces his fingers behind his back, thoroughly pleased. The sun's inching it's way down, and Percy likes the half-purple, half-orange sky that's looming over them. "I'm going on that slide," Y/N says, after a moment, taking off across the park. Percy jogs after her.

"It's so fun," Y/N breathes a few minutes later, after her seventh time on the slide. Percy smiles and giggles, which would be embarrassing in itself if Y/N didn't tease him about it not a moment later.

"I miss being a kid," Percy confesses, sitting at the end of the slide and stretching his legs out. When he was younger, he used to fall off the edge of slides, his legs hardly long enough to reach the sand.

"I don't," Y/N says thoughtfully. "This is more fun now that I'm older."

"You think?"

"I know," she corrects. "I mean, when you're young, it's kind of all play. So when you're older and it's mostly work, you appreciate the play more."

"That's... True," Percy finishes lamely. Y/N sends him a smile over her shoulder, and Percy breathes a sigh of relief when he finds his footing just before he trips. Blessed, he is.

She glances around the park before her gaze catches on the swings. Percy starts walking in that direction before Y/N can even voice her next destination. "How are things with your dad?" he questions, kicking at the sand a little.

"It's good," Y/N shares, nodding to herself. "I think it's getting better, at least. He thinks he's really onto some big scientific discovery and people are funding him now, so it isn't out of his pocket. He seems happier lately."

"You think he's met someone, maybe?" Percy asks cautiously. He and Y/N have never really exchanged thoughts on their parents dating other people, so he's not sure how she'll react to the topic. The last thing he wants to do is upset her.