Chapter Eight

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When he opens his eyes, he can see his mom leaning over him, and he can feel her cool hand resting on his forehead. "You alright, dear? Your soup is ready. Y/N brought it for you."

Percy wonders why moms talk to their kids like they've become babies again when they get sick. "I know. She's great."

Sally and another person laugh, and right, Y/N's here. Percy should probably wake up a little more a let his brain-to-mouth filter do it's job.

He's still hot and cold at the same time, and he kind of wishes he would have stayed asleep. Even if Y/N's sitting in front of him, explaining what they did in economics, and handing him a stack of papers. She looks so sincere about the whole exchange that Percy can't do anything more than eat some of his soup. "I wrote down your math homework, too, but your teacher said you can work it out with her when you get back, since you missed the quiz today as well." Percy nods to show that he's listening, but he's really less worried about his math homework and more worried about the way his muscles seem more and more reluctant to bring his spoon to his mouth. Eventually, he gives up, staring at his half-finished and mostly cooled dinner.

"Feeling any better?" Y/N's brow dips worriedly. Percy wants to smooth it with his thumb. He doubts he has the coordination, strength, or concentration to do that right now, so he refrains.

"Yeah," he lies, offering up a brief smile. "Thanks for my work."

"You're welcome," Y/N says, then she checks her phone. "My dad's calling. I really should be getting home."

"Of course." Percy pats his hair down, but it's probably a lost cause. "Yeah, I'll—later. Thanks again. For..."

"You're welcome," she repeats, even if Percy never said what for. "See you Monday?"

"Maybe." Percy clears his throat and fidgets with his spoon. "Really, thank you."

"Really, you're welcome," she responds with a certain brand of smile that Percy only gets to see every once in a while. He smiles back on reflex. "I'll see you."

Y/N gives him another indulgent grin before she goes and Percy's pretty sure it remedies a fair bit of his illness. She must be a god, or something. Goddess. Goddess of healing. Percy's pretty sure there's already a god of healing, probably one who's stamping their foot indignantly at Percy's neglect to recognize them, but he'll take the wrath if it means she looks at him like that again.

Percy's never been all that great at being on his own. Quiet time leads to thinking time, and thinking time leads to over-thinking, and over-thinking tends to lead to him underestimating his self-worth. He likes being around people, likes to help, if he can, even if it's by making them laugh, or cheering them up, or being someone to talk to. He feeds off of good energy and tends to get bored and sulky when he's alone.

Thankfully, since his mother is still the best person on earth, despite Y/N's abrupt and unforeseen entry into the competition, she offers to watch something on TV with him. And even if she sits on the other end of their couch, volunteering to get Percy medicine every time he so much as clears his throat, it's a lot better than trying to find a game worth his time.