*SPECIAL* christmas imagine (2)

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PART 2/2 !!!

Title: Kiss Me

You and Zion have been having off days recently

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You and Zion have been having off days recently. He hadnt really noticed that you were in some type of mood or even noticed that you werent talking to him till today.

He was spinning on the desk chair and You were laided on the bed on your phone with an angry look on. "You alright there babe?" He said finally noticing your glum look. You give him no reply. "Babe" He asks again thinking you hadnt hear him "Oookay" He says after realising he is being aired.

He suddenly gets up and exits the room causing you watch him leave the room then rolling your eyes in return. He soon comes back with something ruffling in his hand and he sits beside you.

"You're not going to continue to ignore me are you now" You continue to keep a straight face. He lifts your head and makes you look up at his hand which is holding a mistletoe above the two of you.

"Rules are rules" He says winking at you as you look at him. You just huff and get up from the bed to go downstairs and distract yourself otherwise.

Throughout the day Zion had been m.i.a but when you were walking around the house you would suddenly be stopped by him as he would jump out of places.

"Wait wait wait, look up" and a mistle toe would either be hanging from the door frame or he would have one up above, his hand holding it.

"No" You shoot him an angry glare

"Where you going, we were both right under it at the same time"

"No" And you give him a look of annoyance

"Okayy you can kiss me now"

"No" And you walk away.

This was the 15th million mistletoe he had plotted and you were just become more annoyed if anything.

You grab you jacket and head out to get some fresh air and probably a drink from Starbucks to cool yourself down and to get away from Zion for a bit.

You slam the door as you exit and wuick to react was Zion who immediately followed you "Hey where you going its like -100 degrees" He pulls you back slightly as you were about the walk down the stairs of your house.

"Away from you" You say as you give a short reply

"Babe, im sorry ive been annoying I just cant take you ignoring me" He huffs

"Can you just leave me in a peace for a bit we can tall about this some other time"

"Babe please dont leave me I love you" And those were the words that triggered you. Zion never said it often but when he did it had actual meaning to it.

A tear rolled down your cheek and he was quick to wipe it. "I- I love you too" You smiled hugging him tightly.

"Uhh (Y/N) look up" He says. You look up laughing slightly as a mistletoe was dangling above you swinging ever so slightly in the wind.

"Come here" You say grabs his cheeks and pulling his face closer to your as you pulled him in for a kiss. It was passionate as this was what Zion had been waiting for for a while now. He really loved you.

"Come lets go warm up inside" He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder "But my starbucks" You pout. "Ahhh we'll just postmates it" And with that you both headed back inside the house to share more time together.

Title: Deserving

You were with Brandon and it was finally time for gift giving after you had Chritms dinner

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You were with Brandon and it was finally time for gift giving after you had Chritms dinner.

"You open yours first" Brandon said you. "Noo you first" You whined as you were really excited to see his reaction to your gift for him.

"No yooouuu" He whined back. "Ugh ok fine but next year you better open yours first" You say giving up. You sit down on the floor and grab the nicely wrapped gift labelled 'Y/N my baby'

As you were carefully unwrapping the gift Brandon interrupts "Just rip it open" He laughs at how long you were taking

The wrapping unreveled a box. You slowly and carefully open the box and sparkling was a cartier ring. A smile was spread across your face. "You didnt have to"

"Of course, you my love are deserving of everything that I give to you" He smiles and you lean in for a hug and as you pulled away from the hug gaving him a kiss. You honestly felt undeserving of this gift but you found it extremely cute and thoughtful that he bought you both matching rings.

Title: Star on Top

You were currently struggling to place the star on top of the tree

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You were currently struggling to place the star on top of the tree. Austin was on the other sode decorating the back of the tree. You continued to struggle feeling determined that you would reach the top. But honestly there was no way that would happen as the tree was like 7ft.

Watching you struggle Austin laughed and came behind you to lift you up which caught you in a little surprise. "Ugh I still cannot reach it" You whined

"Here I got you hop on" He said patting his shoulders. You climb on top of his shoulders and finally reached the top of the tree to place the star on. "Perfect!" You smile.

Suddenly as you were climbing down from Austin you fall over to the side and loose your balance. Quick to save you was Austin who caught you. Your faces were inches apart and you smiled feeling flustered with the current situation. He pulled you closer to him ever so slightly and kissed your lip, you kiss back. What a memorable Christmas this was.

Hope you enjoyed this Christmas Series! Comment down below if youd like more imagines in this type of structure of if youd like more Christmas chapters in the near future!

Many thanks - a x

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