dating brandon

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would include...
- him making homemade dates
- tents and forts filled with fairylights
- watching movies under the forts snuggled up
- he loves to put the extra effort
- loves surprising you and spoiling you
- he is a pretty determined guy, knows what he wants in life
- if he is busy, you'd just join him at the studio
- help him record
- mess around with the effects and the studio buttons
- filming vlogs and travel documentaries just for keepsake
- couple trips almost every year
- exotic places like bali and bora bora
- take cute pics
- you just take pics of him 24/7 because he is so photogenic
- matching shirts
- matching chains
- matching jewellery
- he loves posing with you
- wrapping his arms around your side
- looking into your eyes
- or posing where he dips you and does something cute like that
- y'all the cute couple goals boyfriend everyone wants to marry a brandon couple.. :)

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