dating nick

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would include..
- switching roles of being the big spoon and little spoon
- he enjoys kissing you
- even at the most randomest of times
- you're just talking and he suddenly pecks you
- make out sessions be like ooh ooh ooh
- you like recording him singing
- high notes
- long notes
- idk anything about music
- he likes grinding a lot
- moving that body 24/7
- on you especially ;)
- he a naughty boiii ;)
- butt grabs
- matching lockscreens of each other
- he cooks italian food for you and you do the same cooking your culture food also
- feeding each other
- whilst washing the dishes you end up making a bigger mess by having a soap fight
- end up taking a shower together
- shower singin'
- y'all be the touchy couple

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