34. Your brother

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Sasha had never felt more uncomfortable and anxious in her life. Meeting Cameron's mother was an honor in itself, but the circumstances were rendering this meeting stressful. She would've appreciated a heads up though. Seeing your lover's parent for the first time while being half naked and horny wasn't exactly the image she wanted Cameron's mother to remember.

"Hum... Cam. I'm... Sorry. I'll just... I'll come back in a bit. Yeah?", Sasha stuttered uneasily as she looked at Cameron in distress.

"And who's that?", Cameron's mother asked blankly but neither Sasha nor Cameron spared her a glance.

"Cover yourself, please", Cameron requested with an amused smile.

After a brief nod, Sasha spun around and disappeared in the hallway to hide herself from these two pairs of deep green eyes. As she thought about it, the resemblance between the two was striking. She had seen pictures of Cameron's mother before, but seeing her in real life was like being in front of the Cameron of the future. The main difference between them two was their voices. And as they both resonated in the apartment, Sasha couldn't help but listen to their conversation.

"I wasn't expecting you, Mom", Cameron started to say.

"Obviously not. Take a look at yourself. How much have you been drinking to end up in this state?"

"For disclosure, I haven't gone out in quite a while. You just woke me up", Cameron answered composedly.

"That's not what your brother told me", her mother retorted firmly.

"And what did he tell you exactly?"

"That you've been following a dangerous and unhealthy path lately. You ditch classes, you spend most of your time partying and drinking. He also said something about you keeping bad company. What does that even mean, Cameron? What's wrong with you?"

Sensing that the tension was about to surge, Sasha ran to the bedroom and slipped on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. Before she had time to exit the room, Cameron came in and grabbed her arm to make her walk beside her. In spite of her nervousness, Sasha remained quiet and remained next to Cameron as she planted herself in front of her mother, her arm firmly holding Sasha's waist.

"Mom, this is Sasha. My girlfriend. She's such a bad and unhealthy person that because of her, I haven't missed a single class in the last couple of weeks. And she's of such bad company that I'd rather spend all my free time with her than with a bunch of homophobic and disrespectful assholes."

A heavy silence took control of the room. On the one hand, Sasha felt absolutely amazed and impressed by Cameron's courage. However, she wasn't sure if it was the best way to handle this situation. It was obvious that her mother was taken aback by this tsunami of information, and Sasha didn't know how she'd react.

"Your brother never mentioned her", her mother said in a low voice and immediately made eye contact with Sasha, probably to gauge her.

Sasha's first reaction was to look down and lean further into Cam, although her smaller body wouldn't protect her much in case of assault. Not that she thought Cameron's mother capable of assaulting people, but her piercing green eyes were extremely intimidating and unsettling.

"Of course he didn't. He's too ashamed of me", Cameron said in a small voice. In an attempt to comfort her and provide her support, Sasha instinctively wrapped her arm around her shoulders and pecked her head tenderly.

"I have to say that I'm a bit confused, Cammie. Your brother said-"

"He lied. Whatever he said was a lie. As you can see, I'm not hungover. If you want I can show you my uni work and you'll see that I've caught up with all my late lectures. Thanks to Sasha, may I say. There's nothing wrong with me, Mom. The only one who's got a problem is Carter because he can't live with the fact that I'm dating a girl and he's giving me hell for that."

The second she noticed Cameron's voice trembling, Sasha pulled her in a warm hug. She didn't care about her mother's opinion on this. Her girlfriend was crying and shaking, she needed comfort and support, and Sasha wanted to provide it for her. She was aware of the difficult times Cameron was going through, and she didn't want her to feel as if she was alone in this.

"Is it really what this is about?", her mother asked in a low caring voice. She was looking at Cameron with so much gentleness and worry that it moved Sasha.

She felt Cameron nodding against her shoulder, making her mother frown in discontent. She extended her hand to reach for Cameron and made her follow her until they were both seated face to face on the couch. Even though Sasha felt slightly excluded, she knew it was crucial that Cameron had a talk with her mother.

"Sasha seems like a good person", was the first thing her mother said, making Cameron stiffle a sob. As much as Sasha wanted to run over there and hug her, she let her mother handle it and remained in her corner.

"She's the best", Cameron managed to grin in spite of her tears, and Sasha could only smile at the sight of her.

"I want to get to know her. If you're okay with it, of course."

This was completely unexpected and even more stressful for Sasha. Her brain and heart were threatening to explode from the nerves. Not wanting to panic, she tried to regulate her breathing and to focus on the positive. And when Cameron spun around to look at her, she was certain that everything would turn out fine.

"Are you in?", the brunette asked with a teasing smile playing on her lips.

"Of course I'm in", Sasha nodded and scoffed in amusement.

"Great", Cameron muttered and bit her lip excitedly.

Now there was only one thing Sasha needed to achieve. Impress Cameron's mother. She could already feel the pressure and anxiety of the situation weighing on her.

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