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My name is Zano.

Zano Etheron.

Most people know that name.

Head General Zano Etheron.

Supposedly that means more than, well, just Zano.

As if I am defined by this title I have inherited from my late father.

I wish I wasn't. Wasn't defined by a title or even a name.

I see nothing wrong with being just Zano.

After all, I am no more special than anyone else in Layrucia.

Other than being able to control fire.

But no one cares much about that either.

And I don't disclose it.

It's bad for business.

But I'm about to be blindsided.

Apparently there are expectations being the wielder of fire.

Well, I suppose the only way anyone can truly know the story of Layrucia is by starting from the beginning.

Oh yeah.

I'm also only part of this story.

Just so you know.

I guess it's my duty to introduce you to Layrucia.

Well, welcome.

Try to enjoy yourself.

But stay away from the Soldier's Academy.

No one more conceited and dangerous than a young soldier who hasn't yet taken a life.

- Zano Etheron, Head General of Layrucia

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