Ch 12: "L"

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Lexi's POV

I soon decided that dropping that conversation would be in my best interest.

Leo could talk circles around me without me realizing it until after the fact so I had to cut him off quick.

In all honesty, I didn't quite want to admit that he was right.

Although I wouldn't call it fate.

I'm still calling it curiosity.

Speaking of curiosity, I found it odd that he hadn't said a single word to me since our last conversation.

It had been nearly an hour and I hadn't heard a peep from him.

Which was definitely nice. It gave me some time to cool off and think some things through.

Pushing myself up from my bed, I soon realized that the reason for that was that he was fast asleep face-up on my couch.

My eyes narrowed, partially annoyed at the fact that he felt comfortable enough in my room to allow himself to sleep.

Then again, I can't imagine he got much sleep chained up in the basement...

Still, he's leaving himself completely defenseless to anything that I could do to him.

I then looked at the cat resting on his stomach and the hand that rested on her back.

Her head lifted as I shifted to the edge of my bed, watching me move.

Maybe he hoped that AK would wake him if I even tried to approach him.

With the volume at which she can meow, I wouldn't doubt that she could.

And I doubted that he was a heavy sleeper.

People who do the job that we do rarely are.

I listened intently to his breaths, trying to decide if he was really asleep or faking it.

I wasn't exactly a master at telling the difference but from what I could tell... He seemed to be asleep.

Eventually, I sighed to myself, coming to the conclusion that one way or another, it didn't really matter.

What did matter though, was that I was hungry, plus I wanted to see what Leo did happen to have in his wallet.

His phone too could have some decent information.

I'll at least get that much, but I'll hold off on taking those cuffs off his wrists until later.

With that in mind, I stood and headed downstairs.

It seemed moderately quiet down here for the most part. Tyler was still out, so we still had nothing to do.

I froze as that thought entered my mind.

Tyler... I wonder how he's going to take to the fact that Leo 'escaped'.

I can't imagine he'll be pleased, but he won't go on a hunt for him, right?

At the end of the day, it wouldn't be worth it so hopefully, he'll get over it quick.

"Somethin on your mind there, Lex?" I heard Dylan say from my right.

I turned my head, seeing that he was apparently getting some drinks for himself and his younger brother.

"Nah, I must have just zoned out," I began, "Do you know where we put Leo's stuff?"

He blinked at me, apparently finding my question odd.

"I assumed he took it with him, but if he didn't, it should still be in the closet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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