Ch 4: Keep Dreaming

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All eyes went wide as they turned to me.

Oh great.

Guess it was time for me to face the music.

I sighed, toying with the safety lock on my gun as I took a couple of steps forward into the room.

Tyler looked especially pissed, staring at me questioningly as he kept his gun between Leo's eyes.

I think I even saw his finger tighten on the trigger.

And for some ungodly reason, Leo then decided that now was the best time to take the liberty upon himself to break the silence.

"Damn, I don't know what you were talking about with that whole eleven layers of makeup thing, you look perfectly-"

Tyler cut him off, kicking him hard in the stomach.

I just watched, wincing a bit as choked out a grunt, followed by a few exasperated coughs.

Leo was an idiot for coming here, that's for sure. I guess he had to find that out one way or another.

He groaned and winced from his doubled-over position.

That was definitely going to leave a mark.

"What did you just say to her?" Clayton hissed.

I rose a brow as to ask why he was getting worked up about that.

It's not like Leo degraded me or anything.

Leo turned his head back towards Clayton the best that Spencer would let him in his still hunched position.

"Your boyfriend?" He asked casually, turning his head back to me.

I could tell by his voice that he was still in pain, but he didn't even seem to care.

I scoffed, "He wishes."

Leo laughed a bit at that, as did Tanner.

Clayton didn't react. I've come to learn that he only hears what he wants to.

Apparently, Tyler wasn't happy about our little conversation because he stepped right in between us, his glare now focussed on me.

"Is this the guy from last night?" He asked.

I nodded.

And then I heard Tyler cock his pistol.

I rolled my eyes taking another couple steps forward.

There have plenty of other guys who have done way worse things to me than he did, yet Tyler was only getting upset about this guy.

Still, Leo didn't look the least bit worried.

"I don't think killing this guy is your best move," Spencer spoke up.

Tyler rose a brow, as did pretty much everyone else.

"And why is that?" Tyler responded.

Usually, if someone questioned Tyler's judgment, he would tell them off until they admitted that they were wrong, but this was Spencer we were talking about.

The second oldest and undoubtedly the scariest.

"We could use him to our advantage. I'm guessing his buddies are going to want him back sooner or later."

Surprisingly, Leo didn't make any smart-ass comments, he just listened.

I really couldn't care less what they did to him, I'm just still kind of bummed that I don't get to shoot anybody.

Well... I guess I still could.

Just in his leg or something.

For funsies.

Tyler's gun lowered, apparently thinking over what Spencer had said.

I think he seemed to like the idea of having something that our rivals want.

"What do you think?" he asked the boys.

They just glanced at one another.

"Whatever you want to do we'll do, boss," Collin spoke up.

"Yea, plus it will probably give us something to do," added Dylan.

Tyler seemed to accept that, turning his head to me as if he was waiting for an answer.

Wow, he was actually asking for my input before he did something this time.

What a turn of events.

I just sighed, putting the barrel of my gun into the pocket of my hoodie.

"I really don't care."

Knowing him, he took that as a yes.

"Pat him down then take him to the basement," he ordered, completely lowering his gun.

Huh. We haven't used the basement for a while.

Leo's eyes went slightly wide.

I guess this wasn't the result he was expecting.

I don't think I even want to know what kind of result he was expecting with the way he was handling all of this.

Dante kneeled on Leo's right and Ashton kneeled on his left, both searching for his weapons.

Leo just stayed still as it happened, eying my brother as he went back into his room, apparently done with this whole thing.


I was pretty much only halfway paying attention as they found his gun, a few knives, his phone, and his wallet, throwing all of them on the floor.

They even took off his rings.

And Leo just sat there and let them with no attempt to resist.

"Lexi, catch."

I turned my head to Dante as he threw something at me.

I instinctively caught it, eyes widening as I recognized it as the knife that I left buried in the fence.

Leo chuckled as I looked it over, making sure that he didn't do anything to it.

The lack of spunk in his laugh further proved that that kick did some damage.

"You and that knife work well together, So I thought that I'd return it." He spoke.

I smirked, twisting the knife around my finger before carefully placing it in my hoodie pocket.

"How thoughtful of you," I replied sarcastically.

Leo shrugged," How thoughtful of me indeed. You should repay the favor sometime don't you think?"

His smirk had returned at this point.

Spencer forced him to his feet, not even giving him time to adjust to the pain in his stomach.

"Keep dreaming," I said, turning to the kitchen as Spencer walked him towards the basement, Ashton walking in front of him to get the door.

I practically heard his smirk as the door opened, "Don't worry, princess. I will."

I cringed at the pet name as I heard the door close.

Hearing that name inside the comfort of my own home was not very pleasant.

Silence enveloped the room as soon as he was out of it, everyone was just staring at me.

"What?"I barked at the group.

They all quickly averted their gazes, all except Dante.

I just sighed again, making my way to the fridge.

I needed a creme soda.

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