Vegeta x Reader (Pregnant)

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Bulma has thrown a huge party to get the whole gang back together. She said even though I'm new I should join them, that I'm apart of this family now.

I honestly didn't like party's but all my friends would be there so I decided to go, even though my boyfriend Vegeta insisted we don't, I finally convinced him we should. Plus I had something to tell him while I was there. Bulma has known I was pregnant for about a month now and has been pestering me to tell Vegeta. I've put it off this long because I have no idea of how he's going to react to it. I'm honestly scared he might leave. When I told Bulma this she said I was over thinking and that he would be supper happy, even if he didn't show it in the outside.

I was in my room putting on my nice pair of jeans and t-shirt. I made sure to wear a loose one so no one at the party would notice. It's barely noticeable but these people just have their ways of knowing, and not knowing when to keep there mouth shut. I had laid out some dark blue jeans and a tan button up top for Vegeta to wear. I didn't actually expect him to wear it but he did surprisingly. We flew from the house and over to Bulma early before any was there.

"Why would you want to go early? We both don't want to go." Vegeta huffed at me. "Because I want to help decorate, plus Gokus coming early too. You two could spare or something to keep you occupied." I said as I landed on the lawn of Capsule Corp. Before I walked off to see Bulma Vegeta pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. He doesn't show affection much so when he does it really matters.
Bulma and Krillin were in the living room setting up party snacks and games to play. "Y/N! Long time no see!" Krillin said as he walked up to me. I pulled the shirt man into a hug and greeted him. "I've been dying to hear this thing Bulma keeps talking about you, but she won't tell me! I'm dying if curiosity!" I giggled as he pleaded on the floor. "Alright. But you can't mention it to anyone! And I mean anyone! Especially Vegeta!" Krillin pretended to zip his lips shut and throw away the key. "Bulma is Vegeta near?" I asked. Bulma looked out the window and gave me a thumbs up. "There pretty high in the air I'm sure they can't hear." She said shutting the door. "Ok Krillin again you can't mention this to anyone or give any hints out."
"I won't I won't just tell me already!" He behged. I giggled as I bent down to his ear and whispered. "I'm pregnant." He shot up and clapped his hands. "No way! I can't even notice it! How long have you been?"
"One month and I think a week." I replied. "Wow Vegetas gonna be real shook when he hears this!" Krillin cheered as he clapped.
"About what?" I looked over and saw Piccolo standing in the door way.
"That y/ns preg-" I covered Krillins mouth just in time to stop him. "I'm uh I'm... getting a tattoo isn't that cool." I said as I held Krillins mouth.
"Y/n I can tell when your not telling the truth," I stated to get nervous as he said that. "Plus I can read minds, congratulations." I simply smiled. "Please don't tell Vegeta I plan on telling him tonight at the party."
"I won't say a thing." He smiled at me.

"Goku! Vegeta! People are starting to arrive come help!" Shouted Bulma. The two men came down from the air. As Vegeta walked in I noticed he had kept his nice cloths on while training. They were torn up and had blood all over them. I looked at him and then to Bulma. "Vegeta look at you! You messed up your cloths. It's a good thing I have plenty of spare cloths upstairs." Bulma told him. He scuffed at her and walked up the stairs. He turned around and gestured for me to follow him. "Do you need help?" I taunted. He turned around with his face red and stomped up the stairs. "He's like a child." Bulma said as she hung up some more decorations.

I followed Vegeta upstairs to the spare room and found him holding one of Gokus old orange GIs up to his body. I quietly giggled as I took in the scene. I knocked on the door and he threw it behind the bed. "Come in." He said. I opened the door and walked over to him. "What you doin up here?" I asked. "You know damn well I need to change." He huffed. "Would you like me to help?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. I went to the dresser to find a bunch of expensive clothing that Bulma had. I felt a hand snake around my waist and pull me close. Vegeta wrapped his arms around my stomach and laid his chin on my head. "I only came because you wanted me to." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Love you Vegeta." "Love you to." He whispered. I giggled and continued to look for a good outfit for him.

After I was done helping Vegeta I went back down stairs with his hand in mine. We saw the party was already getting started. Everyone was there, Tein, Master Roshi, Oolong, Yamcha, Krillin, 18, ChiChi, Gohan, Goku, Piccolo, etc. I haven't seen every one in one room before, it was quite the experience. Tein and Krillin were playing twister while Oolong and Roshi were having a drinking contest. Yamcha tried to join in but Bulma snaked his head and said she wasn't sleeping with a drunk man tonight. 18, ChiChi dressed Gohan in tinny suits and talked about 18 recently getting pregnant. The through made my stomach turn. Krillin said he was supper happy when 18 told him she was pregnant but Vegeta certainly isn't anything like Krillin. Goku and Piccolo walked up to me and Vegeta. Goku had this stupid huge grin on his face as he got closer to me. I looked to Piccolo who was scratching the back of his neck trying not to look at me. I sighed and pulled Goku into the kitchen. "You CAN NOT tell Vegeta yet!" I harshly said. "Why not?" He whined. "Because I plan on telling him tonight please don't tell him yet!" I begged. "Alright only because you asked nicely." He smiled and bent his body down to my stomach. "I kinda noticed you getting fatter." He said. My face got supper red as I smacked Goku across the face. "It's barely notice! I am not fat!" I could here Piccolo chuckling from the other room. He has supper good hearing. Goku held his cheek and walked out of the kitchen as I followed him. "Hey every one I have a huge firework display planned for tonight it about to start!" Bulma yelled. The whose group got up and ran out side expect me and Vegeta. Before she shut the door she gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I found Vegeta with his back against a wall in the hallway. "Vegeta can you come here?" I asked. "No! I hate fireworks there stupid!" I giggled and grabbed his hand. "I don't want to see the fireworks either I want to talk to you." When I said this Vegeta got a worried look on his face. I pulled him into the the living room and sat us down on the couch. "Vegeta hopefully no one has mentioned it tonight or already told you. But I have something very important to tell you." He got closer to my face as he held my hand. "What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong I just don't really know how to say it." I giggled.
"Just tell me straight up stop hiding it."
I took a deep breath as I held his hand I closed my eyes and told him. "Vegeta I'm pregnant. With your kid." I kept my eyes shut. When I opened them Vegeta had a shock look on his face. He grabbed my face and got closer. "Is this true?" He asked. His breath was shaking so we're his hands. I nodded yes. He sat back on the couch and let out a sigh. He turned to me with a huge smile on his face. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He planted soft gentle kisses in my face and lips. "I'm so happy. I'm going to be a father." He looked down to my stomach and rubbed his big hand over it. "And this is my kid. With you." He pulled me closer. "I'm so happy. I love you y/n." He kissed my forehead. I felt relieved that he wasn't mad. I sunk into his chest as I severed the moment. I herd a plate drop in the kitchen. I got off of Vegeta and went ran into the kitchen to find Roshi and Oolong had passed out from to much booze. I giggled as I turned to face Vegeta. He had a huge smile on his face as he pulled me into a hug. "I told you he wouldn't be mad." I looked behind me to see Krillin standing there with a try of snacks. "You know about this!" Shouted Vegeta. Krillin dropped the plate and ran outside scared. I placed my hand on Vegetas chest to make him relax. "You want to go watch the Fire works?" I said as I wrapped my arms around Vegetas neck. "That sounds nice, sure." He picked me off the ground and carried me outside to the others.

Everyone crowded around me and Vegeta. "What do you want!?" He yelled at everyone. Goku gestured to me and I sighed. "Yes Goku I told him I'm pregnant." Everyone cheered and hugged me congratulating me. "Wait!" Yelled Vegeta. "You all knew about this?!"

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