Vegeta x reader (prisoner)🍋

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Your POV
It's been 4 years since me and Vegeta had made our plans to take over frieza and his forces. 4 years since that day in the dungeon. And really now that I know him it was odd of him to show me such affection. I have found out that he is a ruthless man with only one thing on his mind. Training to surpass some low class sayin called Kakarrot. This started last week after he arrived back from a mission....


Your POV
"It's been 2 months longer than it was supposed to be please let me see him!" I yelled at Quee, a solder from friezas army.
"I can't allow you to do that. You too are top fighters and if we lost Vegeta..."
"Don't day that! He's just late is all." Tears started to form in my eyes. I did t want to believe it but what if something actually happened to him... NO nothing could happen to that man he's to stubborn!

Time skip

Still your POV
I was laying in bed tears flushing my face. I was so scared for him it's been too long even for him. I worried so much that fell asleep. And I dreamed...
"VEGETA!" I flew into his arms and cried into the hug.
"You have no idea how much you scared me!" I said as I slapped him across the cheek.
"Hehe, I missed you to." He hugged me back. But then something felt out of place I started to throw up on the landing platform. I felt so sick. Darkness surrounded me and Vegeta looked into my eyes and began to say something. "Y/n your-"
I jolted from my sleep as a shelf fell on my head and the whole base shook. I got up put on a bath robe and ran down the hall. I was accompanied by others that had been awoken too. The crowed stoped and I was too short to see over their heads. 
"Move out of the way!" I fired up a ki blast and they got the hit. Everyone made a hole for me to get by. I stoped at the landing pad with tears in my eyes. It was Vegetas pod I ran up to the door and started pounding in it.
"Vegeta get out now!" I yelled as the door started to open. My happy smile turned into a horrified expression. Vegeta was beat up and barely alive. He had cuts and bruises all over his body. Blood covered the pods seats and his torn and ripped armor.
"MEDIC SOMEONE GET THE MEDIC!" I yelled horrified at the scene before fainting on top of the prince himself.

Time skip

I awoke in a clinic bed in the same room as some other wounded soldiers. I quickly gathered my thoughts of what happened.
"VEGETA! Where's Vegeta!?" I Yelled starting some of the sleeping men.
"Please y/n follow me." A doctor stood up and I followed him to the "medic 9" wing. The medic 9 wing is where they take patients who probably won't make it. Tears started to form in my eyes once agin. We walked into the room and I saw him he was floating in a bubble like tank with liquid surrounding him.
"Is he alright?" I asked
"Yes he's fine 4-5 more hours in here and he should be as good as new."
My face formed a smile and I went to the tank to see how bad his wounds were. Then I noticed... he was naked! I blushed bright red. I turned around to face the doctor with my face still red clearing my throat.
"Ahem, um I'll stay here and watch him you my return to your post." I said and seated my hand away for him to leave and he did. I turned back to Vegeta. He looks so calm. Like he did when we first meet I thought. Then his hand twitched. D-did I see that right because it looked like- then his arm raised to his air mask. H-HE IS AWAKE! I ran to the control panel to turn it off. After I shut it down Vegeta ripped the mask off his face and started to suffocate. I quickly blasted the glass and he fell out.
"VEGETA!" As soon as he heard my voice his eyes shoot open.
"Y/n?" He weakly said. I ran to his side and sat him up against a desk.
"I'm right here Vegeta." I said as I held onto his hand. He looked over at me with pain and disappointment in his eyes.
"I failed I couldn't *caught caught* him." Tears started to form in his eyes.
"I don't care that you didn't beat him I care that your here alive." I looked into his eyes and kissed him passionately. He was shocked at first but soon melted into it. I stood up and walked over to a shelf with some towels and threw him one.
"Why do I need this?" He asked as I pointed down to his showing erection.
"WOMAN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER!" I laughed as he turned red and wrapped the towel around his waist. Then he did something I would never had expected. When I had my back turned he came up behind me and hugged me from the back. I could feel his member pressed against my body and couldn't help but let out a small moan.
"Oh? And here I was thinking you wanted me to cover up. Hehe." He whispered into my ear. Shivers went down my spine and I turned towards him. I grabbed my face and roughly kissed me. He asked for entrance with his tongue. But I denied him. He got frustrated and grabbed my crotch expecting me to be caught off guard by him but instead he was caught off guard by how wet I already was and I took the chance to become the dominant one. I shoved my tongue inside his mouth and playfully but his. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled on his hair. He picked me up and sat me on the control panel. He took my shirt off and undid my armor. He broke the kid and had an evil smirk on his face.
"What are you planning?" I asked him.
He simply stood there and growled deeply. He flipped me over and ripped a hole in my pants. He lined himself up.
"Vegeta in a virgi-" I was cut off by him thrusting into me all the way I screamed at the pain as he started to ripped me open and stretch me out. Tears fell down my face as I looked back at him. His eyes had a pink glow and his fangs were showing more than normal. He just growled and kept thrusting in and out. I continued to scream and cum all over him. Then I felt warm liquid in me. I gasp tat what had just happened. I turned around and Vegetas head was thrown back panting heavily. His eyes were no longer red and he looked back at me with a soft smile. He bent down to my neck and sank his fangs into it.
"Ahhh!" I yelled as I felt the blood run down my neck I couldn't help but moan as well. He pulled away and licked up the blood and kissed the bite mark.
"Now your mine for life." He said before fainting in my back. I slid into the floor and rubbed my neck still trying to understand what just happened. I pulled my sleeping prince on to me and fell asleep with him on my lap. Not knowing another pair of eyes were watching us...

End of flashback

I stood out side of the training room to tell Vegeta. I still didn't know how he would react but I couldn't keep it a secret it was his too. I opened the door and found him doing push ups.
"Vegeta there's something I need to talk to you about." He noticed the fear in my eyes and stood up and walked over to me.
"What is it woman?" His shirt was warn and ripped. Sweat dripped from his face. I built up my courage and said it.
"Vegeta I'm pregnant. With your kid." I shut my eyes not knowing what to expect but when nothing happened I slowly opened them back to to see a smiling Vegeta.
" is this true."
"Yes." He looked at me for a second then to my stomach.
"I'm gonna be a father! I'm gonna be a father!" He chanted. I just stood there shocked. I never expected him to jump around celebrating. He picked me up and swing me around in his arms. He gave me a kiss and said.
"I love you my y/n."
"I love you too Vegeta ."

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