⚡️ Kaminari ⚡️

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Name: Kaminari Denki

Super Name: Chargebolt

Age: 18

Birthday: June 29th (Cancer)

Height: 5' 6"

Shipped with: Luke, Nikki

Likes: His friends, being useful, video games, memes, playing the guitar, learning languages

Dislikes: His parents, being the "dumb blonde"



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Powers: Denki's power allows him to store electricity in his body

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Powers: Denki's power allows him to store electricity in his body. He can then discharge the pent up electricity but he has no control of the direction it will shoot in. Exceeding his wattage limit causes his brain to short-circuit and he becomes stupid while in this state. He will need to charge up his power again.


Communication Earpiece- Denki wears an earpiece on his right ear that allows him to channel his electricity into it and create electrical communication signals. This allows him to communicate with other channels remotely. However, signals can also be blocked out by outside electrical disturbance.

Sharpshooting Gear- A device Denki wears on his right forearm that fires the Pointers. It contains a dial that allows Denki to choose the pointer he wants his electricity to be directed towards in case multiple Pointers are set up.

Pointers- Disc-shaped projectiles that stick to targets. When Denki releases his electricity, it converges to where the released pointer is.

Description: Denki is a friendly, social and energetic boy. While he is rather casual when interacting with others, including even antagonistic people like Bakugo, Denki also becomes quickly distraught when put into stressful situations. He may come off as blunt and reckless sometimes, but is always well-meaning. Denki is somewhat flirtatious, trying to pass himself off as a smooth talker. He is not very lucky with his approaches though, frequently getting ignored or outright rejected by everyone. Although, he does seem to have a steady friendship with Mina and Kirishima. He is also slightly mischievous, joining in pranks occasionally. Overall, Denki has an interest in looking cool in front of others, but has a shallow understanding of how to do so. As such, he gets easily influenced by what's popular at the moment.
Denki is not very academically bright, requiring help when it comes to studying. He does not appear to show much interest in classes and tests tend to make him anxious. Despite this, he can show surprising knowledge about certain areas such as fashion, art and music, and most social situations.

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