Raiders of the Sand: Commandeer

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The next few minutes were a blur of sand, heat, and rusty reflexes stretching their stiff muscles.
Kenobi took out more pirates than he could count, dodged quite a few blaster bolts, and got dangerously close to being trampled by a panicked Bantha. In short, it was just a small dose of his former life. All that was missing were a few clone troopers and his lightsaber.

Gripping the staff in both hands, Kenobi swiped out at a nearby Rodian who had his back turned to them. He took the feet out from under him and gave the pirate's head a sharp whack as he fell towards the sand. Kenobi arched the staff up in one clean motion and stabbed the weapon blindly over his shoulder, his expert instincts guiding it to the head of a Weequay.

As the Weequay dropped to the ground, the former general turned in a tight circle, scanning his immediate vicinity. It was clear. He looked over at Sahrea, who was taking on both a Gran and a Klatooinian.

She dug her sword into the ground and did a flying kick to the throat of the Gran. He stepped backwards, arms flying and emitting a choked cough. She ripped the blade out and shoved it through the Gran's chest. She brushed some hair out of her face as she righted herself.

Sahrea gave a grunt as the Klatoonian grabbed her from behind. She yanked her sword out of the Gran and flung it upwards. And dug itself into the shoulder of her assailant. The pirate recoiled in pain. Shan took the distraction to wrench herself out of his grip. She kicked the feet out from under him and brought her blade down on his sternum. She gave Kenobi a smirk.

"Battle circles taught me well, thank you my Mandalorian mother." she stated, pulling the blade out. Obi-Wan shook his head dismissively.

"You never cease to amaze me." he said, jabbing his staff to the side. It connected with the throat of a pale skinned human, who dropped like a stone. She grinned like a mad man.

"You're just gonna have to-" Shan's sentence was cut off as her face became one of shock and the pain. She collapsed to the ground.

A creature Kenobi had never seen before had its teeth sunk into the back of her leg. Sahrea gave a cry. She dug her fingers into the sand, trying to reach her sword, which was lying inches away from her outstretched hand.

Kenobi lunged forward. He immediately struck the grey furred animal in the throat with the staff, more on panicked instinct than anything. It yiped and backed off, bearing its long fangs. It hissed angrily at the former general.

However, its aggression dropped as it pricked its pointed ears up at a whistle. It backed up, eyeing Kenobi suspiciously, before turning around and sprinting off towards its master. The pirates were falling back towards their speeders, retreating away from the camp. They had won the day.

"Sahrea." Kenobi kneeled down by her side, heart thumping. He placed a hand on her shoulder blade, relieved when she began to move at the pressure.

Cognitively, he knew she was fine. It was only a bite to the calf, but that still didn't stop the mind numbing panic that came over his brain. Shan mumbled something into the sand before rolling onto her side, face contorted in pain. Obi-Wan brushed hair off her brow, a worried ache filling his chest.

"Fire Fang." he tried again, brushing his thumb against her cheekbone. Her eyes fluttered open. They were a pure grey. She reached up and put her hand to his shoulder, attempting to pull herself into a seated position. Kenobi grabbed under her arms and tugged her into him. Shan leaned against his chest, her forehead resting against his neck.

"Well that was stupid of me." she muttered breathily. He laughed as he closed his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her torso, drinking in their closeness, the warm feel of her breath on his skin that was somehow distinctly different than the dry breeze blowing past. He resisted the urge to plant a kiss against her hair.

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