Investigation on Iveria: Gray Skies

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Sahrea Shan, Palatial Elder of the Gray Jedi Order, consult to the Grand Army of the Republic, stood in the back of the Jedi Council Chambers, watching silently as they discussed the crisis on Felicia with concerned urgency. She had her arms crossed, tapping her fingers against her bicep, anxiety flowing through her as strong as the Verazon River back home.

As the council disbanded, the Gray made her way to the center of the chamber. Masters Mace Windu and Yoda stopped their whispering as they noted her presence. Among them was Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, who wasn't a master, but merely had to update the council, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

They all looked to her. She caught Kenobi's eye. There was a question hidden there. She held his gaze for a moment more before turning her focus back to Windu.

"Is there something we can help you with, Consult Shan?" he asked her, his voice low. They all were watching her with a curious interest. She took a breath.

"Yes." She paused before continuing, gripping her right wrist.

"When I signed up for this war, I knew what I was getting myself into." she began, looking each council member in the eye.

"I am loyal to the Republic and determined to bring Count Dooku to justice. I will fight for those until the end," she stated shortly. Windu clasped his hands together, clearly eager to hear where this was going.

"Thank you for confirming that, consult." he replied, a suspicious undertone to his voice. Her grip tightened around her wrist.

"With all that being said... I have to leave." she finished softly. This was the moment she was worried about. The council remained stone faced, but she could sense the surprise that overtook the room.

"Leave where?" Kenobi spoke up. She turned to him. There was an emotion there, one she couldn't decipher. It looks almost like hurt.

"I have received a message from my home planet of Iveria." she explained "Someone has been poking around the Gray Jedi Temple. After Dooku's attack, I secured it well before leaving for here." She took a breath, finally looking away from Kenobi's face.

"Although the Republic is my priority, my first and foremost duty is to my order. I will return when my investigation is complete." Master Windu leaned forward.

"This sounds more like debrief and less like a request." he stated. She stared him in the eye. He stared back. A dangerous move.

"That's because it is." He narrowed his eyes at her.

"And if the council says no?" Her hand was squeezing her wrist so tightly, the fingers on her left hand were tingling. She bit down on the side of her tongue with just enough of pressure not to hurt.

"You are the leader of your order, Master Windu. What would you do in my position?" she asked, keeping her voice even. Mace leaned back, still holding her gaze.

"You have been a great ally to us Elder Shan. That is not something the council would forget." She relaxed immediately.

"Agree with Master Windu, I do." Yoda added. "Send help, we shall. Accompany you to investigate this disturbance, Master Kenobi will." Shan's heart warmed.

"Thank you." she said, dipping her head respectfully. She was dismissed. She waited at the entrance to the hallway for Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who followed her silently out of the chamber. She released her wrist, stretching out her stiff fingers. She immediately caught Skywalker's eye.

"So I finally get to meet the famous Sahrea Shan." the young general commented with a sly smile. Sahrea couldn't help but immediately notice the difference between two.

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