The Interlude: Aftermath

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Shan stopped right in her tracks, her brain not computing what Null just said. She took a step back.

"He is... dead?" she asked, dumbfounded. She blinked at the captain. The confusion turned to relief. Her people were avenged. They were safe, for now anyway.

"He was killed by General Skywalker. He, General Kenobi, and the Chancellor are still on the Invisible Hand though." Shan looked out past the ongoing space battle to the large CIS ship hovering in the distance. She cocked her head as the escape pods were ejected. Her heart lightened. That must be Obi-Wan.

"General Grievous just escaped in the pods!" a clone technician shouted, a hand to his headset. Her eyes snapped to him and back to the Invisible Hand. If Grievous is in the escape pods, where were the Jedi?

"What's going on with that cruiser?" Shan asked. It was getting dangerously close to Coruscant. Cody tapped on the console before him.

"It's caught in the planet's gravitational pull. There's no way they'll be able to turn it around." he said. A pit formed in her stomach.

"Cody, please don't tell me Obi-Wan's on that ship." she asked, more of plead then a question. He looked up at her.

"I wish I could consult, I really do. General Skywalker's going to try and land the cruiser." Shan looked back to the ship.

"That's pushing it, even for him." she said, her words airy from anxiety. She recoiled as the Invisible Hand split in two, straight down the middle. She bit her lip and shut her eyes, just for a moment, before opening them once again.

"Well, at least they're still flying half a ship." Cody joked mirthlessly. Shan noted without pleasure that that sounded very much like something Kenobi would say.

As the ship got lower and lower into the atmosphere, Sahrea could do nothing but stare. It got worse as another Separatist cruiser blocked her view. She released her lip from her teeth when she began to taste blood. If Obi-Wan wasn't alright... Shan couldn't even finish the thought. It sent her into a panic. The Separatist ship was still passing by, Coruscant completely hidden behind it. She could barely breathe.

"They landed." Null said. "They are with the Chancellor." Shan exhaled, her breath still quick, her heart still galloping. Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to be the death of her.


Sahrea stood in the shadows behind Master Yoda, crossing her arms tightly against her body as she listened to Kenobi give a run down of the events that happened on the Invisible Hand to the council. All were here except for Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker.

There was a lightness about Obi-Wan now that Dooku was dead. A weight was gone. A joyful light returned to his eyes. Stress lifted from his handsome face. His shoulders sat looser, his body more relaxed. His smile was intoxicating. It was the same grin he always had, but it was now happier and brighter, like it didn't require as much effort. She liked watching this Obi-Wan. He caught her eye as the council dismissed.

Shan said pleasantries to Masters Yoda, Shaak Ti, and Kit Fisto before exiting the council chambers. She scanned the immediate area, looking for her Jedi. There he stood waiting for her, illuminated by a nearby window.

Shan had the urge to throw her arms around him, but instead walked quickly to his side. Not only was this an inappropriate time, she really needed to stop with these thoughts, let alone let them become reality. So she buried them deep down and stepped to his side.

"Obi-Wan. I'm so glad you're ok." she told him breathlessly. Kenobi gave her a soft gaze that caused warmth to bundle up her heart.

"That was a crazy landing even for Anakin." she stated. The Jedi master was quiet for a moment longer, studying her face. His gaze was admiring, not unnerving. Shan swallowed.

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