Shadows of the Ancient Sith: Valley of the Dark Lords

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"So this is Moraband? I've only ever heard about it in stories." Kenobi mused as they descended down to the planet's surface.

Shan had flown them initially, but after dozing off at the controls, twice, and almost flying them into an asteroid, she let Obi-Wan take over. He maneuvered them through a cloud and the surface became visible. All Sahrea saw was tan. Tan dirt, tan canyons, tan rocks.

"The Jedi Council forbade their members from visiting here centuries ago." she replied half-heartedly, her mind somewhere far away. "They were worried about the dark tales of this planet attracting the more... rebellious Jedi, which is also why it got renamed Moraband." she finished as he veered the ship around a tall, rocky spire.

"It is completely unlike any place I have ever been." Kenobi agreed. Shan knew immediately what he meant. Looks wise, Korriban wasn't anything special. It looked a lot like most rocky, sandy planets. It could easily have been mistaken for a number of worlds. Jedha possibly, or Izylapath.

It was the feel of it that made it so unique. It felt dead, yet alive. Still, yet in constant motion. It was as quiet as a tomb, yet as busy as city. It was unnerving. The Dark Side of the Force flowed so strongly here. Even though the air was warm, this planet was as icy as Vallt. Just the aura here made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end, just as it did on her last few visits.

Shan looked out onto the terrain as they landed. The sky was a pale blue. There wasn't a cloud in the atmosphere. A small puff of dust rolled away from the ship, just like the ripples of water after a stone was dropped into it.

It was like a mix of Canarath and Geonosis. Instead of red, Korriban was a pale sandy color. The ground was flat with the only elevation being an occasional rock. However, in the distance, the remains of an ancient building were visible. The two stood at the same time, ready to get this mission underway. However, they paused.

They were standing only inches apart. Their eyes caught. Obi-Wan exhaled, his breath warm against her nose. He reached up to her face, slow and gentle, like he was afraid to spook her off. He snuck a soft caress against her skin. It was quick, nothing more than a brush of a thumb on her jaw, yet it made her heart flutter.

Then everything else flooded back and her logic skills kicked in. She should tell him to stop. They couldn't do this. That they were being foolish. This wasn't the time or the place, he was a Jedi, she a Gray. This couldn't happen, it wouldn't work.

She said none of this.

One thing that amazed her was how unspoken this thing between them was and how it had changed so drastically after Order 66.

There were no confessions of love, no grandiose gestures, no heart to heart discussions. They both felt it and knew the other felt it too. Simply put, no words were needed. It was now how close could they get to the line while not crossing it and that was a very reckless frame of mind for two very un-reckless people.

The last thing Sahrea wanted was to distance herself from him, but for both of their sakes, maybe it was best. Not right now though, not when they were this close. Not when they were almost sharing a breath. Not with that gleam in his eye. She couldn't have left even if she tried. Kenobi dropped his hand, his expression soft.

"Obi..." Sahrea murmured softly, dropping her eyes to his chin. She raised them again. He was watching her, his face a mix of understanding and longing. They were being foolish. These stolen glances, secret caresses, hidden emotions, they would lead nowhere, had to lead nowhere. Why did that statement feel so futile and so much like a lie?

"I know." he replied, answering her unspoken statement. They both steeled themselves. Just like that, their willpower was back. Their moment wasn't just over; it was like it had never happened. They spoke like old friends. Shan stepped away.

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